Bio- & Optomicrofluidics
We study biomedical problems by using microfluidics and optcial setup as the platforms. Currently we are focuing on:
- Protein patterning for cancer studies
- High throughput cancer drug screening by droplet microfluidics
- On-chip fluorescent detection and active sorting of single cell
- High speed emulsion particles identification by optical time-stretch microscopy
Biomicrofluidics is one of the disciplines in microfluidics by manipulating fluid in constrained channels to understand biological phenomena. Like microfluidics, biomicrofluidics involves small amount of fluid (typically in nl to pl) for experiment. This dramatic decrease in fluid favors biological assays where samples could be scarce. Besides, the development of biomicrofluidics opens unprecedented research area by interacting biological samples in micro-environment – single cell analysis, single DNA and protein detection, etc., are some of the examples which gives us a better understanding on previously unexplained phenomena.

'The area of optomicrofluidics involves microsystems formed by integrating microfluidics and microphotonics or micro optical or nano photonics elements for various applications. Some of the bio applications would include biosensing, bio diagnosis, cell sorting, cell counting, prognosis, etc. This special issue will address challenges involved with integration and application specific issues when micro photonics/micro optics/nano photonics elements are integrated.' - Prof. Dr. Muthukumaran Packirisamy, Concordia University
We build up systems integrating microfluidics, fiber-based and free space optics to develop new ways identifying cells or particles at high throughput. With identification information acquired, they are used to allow down stream sorter to sort out the desired particles with their unique features presenting. Particles, like drug carriers, may have surface and internal features that allow identification and can be sorted out from bulk. Such identification can be high in both sensitivity and specificity, so that increase sorting efficiency and accuracy.