Ex Officio Members
- President who shall be the Chairman
- Deputy President
- Provost
- Vice-Presidents
- Associate Vice-Presidents
- Associate Provosts
- Chief Information Officer
- Dean of Graduate Studies
- Deans of Colleges, and such office holders in an equivalent body of the University as determined by the Council on the recommendation of the Senate
- Heads of academic departments or such office holders in an equivalent body of the University as determined by the Senate
- All Chair Professors who are not otherwise members
- Librarian
- Director of School of Continuing and Professional Education
Elected Members
- One member of the full-time academic staff of each academic department or equivalent body of the University as determined by the Senate, elected by and from among their number in that department or equivalent body, as appropriate.
- One member of the full-time academic staff of each school as defined by the Council on the recommendation of the Senate to be equivalent to a faculty, elected by and from among their number in that school.
- One member of the full-time staff elected by and from among Instructors II/Instructors I/Tutors/Senior Tutors/Teaching Fellows/Senior Teaching Fellows in academic departments, schools, centres or equivalent body of the University as determined by the Senate.
Nominated Members
- Two students nominated by the Students' Union
- One postgraduate student nominated by the CityU Postgraduate Association
- The Secretary of the Senate shall be appointed by the President
Last modified date: 12
October 2023