The Annual Programme Report templates, which took effect from 2012/13 reporting exercise, aim at standardising information collection with trend-based evidence. The main features of the templates are:
The scope of the Report covers admissions, student performance and support, internal and external feedback, learning resources, good practices and an action plan.
Programme Leaders are required to observe the College/School/Departmental timeline for the report submission date, which is likely to be December each year. The QAC will consider the Board of Undergraduate Studies and Board of Graduate Studies endorsed reports in the May meeting.
Starting from the 2015/16 reporting exercise, the enhanced APReS will facilitate mainly report template download and report upload. Report submission will be made outside the system (e.g. via email).The majority of the required data are provided centrally by end-November each year* via APReS.
* Click here to download the data release schedule for 2023/24.
(last updated: Nov 2024)