Welcoming Prof. ZHENG Xing

Prior to joining CityU, Dr. Janssen Xing ZHENG was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow and Module Coordinator at the Future Cities Lab Global in Singapore-ETH Centre. He received his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Architecture from Chongqing University and Southeast University in China, respectively. He earned his Ph.D. degree from the Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands. Possessing a dual background in architectural and building science, his research primarily explores the interaction between urban climates and building thermal performance, with the overall aim of providing a sustainable, low-carbon, and energy-efficient built environment and other enclosures. He serves as a youth Editorial Board Member of SCI Q1 journal Building Simulation and Early Career Editorial Board Member of Architectural Intelligence, and reviewer of more than 20 international SCI journals.
Research Interests/areas 
1 Performance-driven architecture and urban design
2 Urban wind and thermal environment
3 Low carbon and sustainable building technology