
This talk will discuss Dr Lee’s views about technology entrepreneurship in China. In particular, he will discuss the unique environment and opportunities in China, the rapidly evolving early-stage eco-system, and his company’s strategy to identify growth areas, assist entrepreneurs, help build great companies, and deliver excellent investment returns.

Speaker's Biography

Dr Lee Kai-fu is the Chairman and CEO of Innovation Works which was founded in September, 2009. Innovation Works is a leading early-stage investment company targeting the next wave of Chinese high-tech companies and to mentor the next-generation of Chinese entrepreneurs. Prior to starting Innovation Works, Dr Lee was the Vice President of Google, President of Google China. Previously, he held executive positions at Microsoft, SGI, and Apple.

In addition to his technology and investment roles, Dr Lee is also an author of six top-selling books (two of the books sold over one-million copies). Dr Lee is also active on social networks, with a total of over 50 million followers world-wide.

Dr Lee received his Bachelor degree from Columbia University, and Ph.D. at Carnegie Mellon University. Dr Lee has Honorary Doctorate Degrees from the City University of Hong Kong and Carnegie Mellon University. He is also a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). Dr Lee was the Vice Chairman of the Committee of 100, an elite group of Chinese Americans. He was selected by Time as one of the 100 most infl¬uential people in the world in 2013.

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Further Reading

Carnegie Mellon University

Inspire Innovation: Kai-Fu Lee

CMU alumnus Kai-Fu Lee spoke at a Nov. 17, 2011 event in Beijing, China for friends and alumni of Carnegie Mellon University. During his remarks, he shared highlights of his experience as a Ph.D. candidate at CMU and what it was like to work with award-winning faculty such as Raj Reddy, the Mozah Bint Nasser Professor of Computer Science & Robotics.

Published on 5 January 2012

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Arianna Huffington

The 2013 TIME 100

Kai-Fu Lee's story has elements of what we think of as a typically American story - of immigration, innovation and, ultimately, fearlessness.

Published on 18 April 2013

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