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Brand Your Campus Learning Experience!
- Calling for a Name and Logo for the Campus Experiential Learning Scheme
Banner Image(campexp)
At the heart of the CityUHK community are the students. Students’ perspectives and insights are extremely valuable in shaping the educational landscape. The University believes that students possess a deep understanding of their own needs and the capacity to drive meaningful changes that will enhance their learning journey. To support this belief, CityUHK will be launching a Campus Experiential Learning Scheme.

Scheme Overview
The Scheme encompasses a variety of initiatives, such as the Best Final Year Project and student-led project grants, which enable students to utilise the campus as a dynamic laboratory to bring their visionary ideas to life. Whether these ideas stem from final year projects or student-identified opportunities, they are welcomed and supported under the guidance of the University's academic and academic support units.

Branding Competition
(Submission Deadline: 25 October 2024)
To kick-start the Scheme, we invite you to participate by giving the Scheme an identify - a name and a logo! Name It, Shape It, Own It! To enter the competition, submit an entry comprising:

  • An impactful, resonant English name for the Scheme; and
  • A logo (The resolution of the logo should be at least 300dpi (in .PNG or .JPEG format), and the file size should not be larger than 5MB. Participants may be required to provide the original files if their entry is selected.)
  • A caption to explain the idea behind the name and the logo (About 50 words in English)

Each student should submit no more than one entry. Submissions should be sent to The subject line should read “Campus Experiential Learning Scheme Branding Competition”. Participants should state clearly in the email their names, Student IDs, programmes of study, years of study, and the contact phone numbers.

  • All CityUHK students

Terms and Conditions
  • The University reserves the right not to adopt any of the winning submissions and to amend any of the winning entries.
  • All decisions made by the judging panel are final and may not be disputed at any level of the competition.
  • All entries must be original, unpublished work and must not infringe on the patent, copyright, trademark or other intellectual property of any third party. Entrants will be disqualified and held solely liable for any constituted or potential act of infringement of intellectual property rights.
  • Entries must not contain violence, profanity, sex or a direct attack on an individual or organisation.
  • In filing your submission, you agree to assign the intellectual property rights of your design to the University if your entry is selected as one of the winners. Submitted works will not be returned. All submissions must be original, unpublished works.
  • Once the entries are submitted, the entrant is assumed to have read and understood the above rules and regulations, and agreed to abide by them.

  • An iPad (One winner)

Deadline for Submissions:  25 October 2024
Result Announcement:  Early November 2024

Tel:   3442-8922