Index: L1 / School Social Work / Children and Young People / Group / Evaluative Study / 70149124
Keywords: Group Work/ Adolescent clients / task-centered group work approach / group evaluation
Evaluative Study
Abstract: This is the group evaluation report submitted by a first placement student. The student is place in a secondary school setting under the Link Project arrangement between the university and the secondary school. (In the Link Project, the student is placed directly with the school rather through a social work agency working within the school.)
Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Intervention of the Selected Assignment
The group "counselling activities" was held for nine Form 1 students with relatively poorer English Language performance. The group integrated various theories into practice, including task-centered group work approach, group theory, social leaning theory, etc. This report aims at evaluating the effectiveness of the intervention, the changes of the members and an analysis of the outcome.
Evaluation Format
(1) By member's dictation or test results:
Through comparing each individual member's academic results on dictations or tests of English Language just before and throughout the group, so as to evaluate the effectiveness of the group intervention.
(2) By member's feedback:
Collect feedback from members' through a questionnaire.
(3) By parents' feedback and "teachers--- star counsellors" feedback:
Collect information and the use of a questionnaire for the star counsellors.
(4) By worker's observation:
A record of each session enables the worker to (1) describe the group process; (2) provide data for more detailed evaluation; (3) analyse the specific areas so as to understand the group dynamic; and (4) note the significance areas for future planning work.
(1) By member's test and dictation results:
Member's test results throughout the group:
Name of student |
Test result on 2/3 |
Test result on 18/5 |
% changed |
F (Group1) |
52 |
53 |
up 2% |
G (Group1) |
34 |
51 |
up 50% |
P (Group 2) |
23 |
33 |
up 43.5% |
J (Group 2) |
26 |
33 |
up 27% |
C (Group 3) |
43 |
47.5 |
up 10.5% |
E (Group 3) |
37 |
53 |
up 43.2% |
D (Group 4) |
37 |
40 |
up 8.2% |
K (Group 4) |
52 |
55.5 |
up 6.7% |
H (Group 4) |
34 |
49 |
up 44.1% |
From the above Table, the increase in their test results is rather significant for some members. The increase in percentage of marks is greatest in G, up to 50 % increased. In the questionnaire filled by G, she indicated "agree" on the question that "現在我願意為學習付出更多努力。" Also, she filled "agree" on question "我覺得大姐姐能夠幫助我解決功課疑難。" and "completely disagree" on "於詢問姐姐的過程中, 我不能學習到問題的解決方法。". The big sister had commented that G had been more active in asking questions and was keened to find solutions to the problems. By worker's observation, G finished the task for each session given by worker or decided by them. The tasks are mainly concentrated in enhancing their English Language ability, such as writing English letters, worksheets, etc. She is more willing to put effort in studying when she sees her improvement in the group. Having said that, there may be other variables that existed, such as the test being easier, etc. that may have influenced the test results.
E, H, P also got quite significance improvement in their test results. E, P filled "agree" on "我覺得大姐姐能夠幫助我解決功課疑難。" P accomplished the tasks every time and made a good progress in dictation results. She got 3 full marks in the most recent dictations. P had set an individual contract with worker on reading. She accomplished the contract of reading 3 storybooks per month. It is believed that the tasks and reading contract have contributed to P's improvement in the English Language.
(Comments: In evaluating one's intervention, it will be illuminating about the nature of social work intervention to look at the cases that do not do as well, at least 'not do well' according to the evaluation criteria set by the worker. This can often enlighten one's reflection on the effectiveness of intervention and help one to seek out alternative ways of working with different individuals.)
Member's (Group 1) dictation results throughout the group:
Name |
No. of increase |
% of No. increased |
F |
80 |
82 |
75 |
76 |
96 |
3 |
75% |
G |
55 |
72 |
0 |
43 |
33 |
1 |
25% |
Member's (Group 2) dictation results throughout the group:
Name |
11/1 |
31/1 |
28/2 |
7/3 |
16/3 |
3/4 |
12/4 |
15/5 |
23/5 |
No increased |
% of No. increased |
P |
35 |
75 |
0 |
80 |
35 |
100 |
89 |
100 |
100 |
4 |
50% |
J |
50 |
59 |
0 |
50 |
25 |
80 |
69 |
90 |
98 |
5 |
62.5% |
Member's (Group 3) dictation results throughout the group:
Name |
No increased |
% of No increased |
C |
0 |
0 |
90 |
10 |
0 |
28 |
62 |
0 |
36 |
4 |
44.4% |
E |
68 |
24 |
65 |
85 |
12 |
85 |
95 |
0 |
0 |
4 |
44.4% |
Member's (Group 4) dictation results throughout the group:
Name |
No. increased |
% of No increased |
D |
32 |
35 |
95 |
95 |
19 |
35 |
85 |
0 |
0 |
4 |
44.4% |
K |
95 |
65 |
65 |
80 |
14 |
66 |
89 |
0 |
22 |
4 |
44.4% |
H |
------- |
------- |
------- |
------- |
90 |
82 |
55 |
86 |
78 |
1 |
25% |
The dictation results fluctuated a fair bit for some members such as D and E. It might be due to a lot of reasons such as the nature of the dictations (unseen or not), whether there are many homework during the days of dictation, etc.
(2) By member's feedback---questionnaires.
There was a questionnaire for each member to fill in after the group had finished. The questionnaire contains 33 questions that mainly focus on improvement in interpersonal skill or peer support, self-development in various aspects, learning and the effectiveness of mobilising school resources in the helping process. Some of the questions are chosen for discussion below.
1: 毫不同意 2: 不同意 3: 部份不同意 4: 部份同意 5: 同意 6: 完全同意
On peer support and interpersonal skill aspect, five questions were asked.
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
透過小組, 我認識到更多朋友。 |
------- |
------- |
11.1% |
11.1% |
33.3% |
44.4% |
透過小組, 我和最少一位同學建立到亙相幫助、支持的關係。 |
------- |
------- |
11.1% |
33.3% |
33.3% |
22.2% |
參加輔導活動, 我能夠與伙伴融洽相處。 |
------- |
11.1% |
11.1% |
22.2% |
11.1% |
44.4% |
參加輔導活動, 我並不能夠學習到與人合作的重要性。 |
33.3% |
------- |
22.2% |
22.2% |
11.1% |
11.1% |
我並不能夠學習到同伴共同商量對策的技巧。 |
11.1% |
22.2% |
44.4% |
11.1% |
11.1% |
------- |
A group is a place for members to meet friends. Peers are very important to adolescents. Through the groups, they can learn from each other. The "counseling activities" group is also a place for students to know more friends and to enlarge their social circles. Nearly 80 % of the participants showed that they had known more friends through the group.
As the group has integrated the task-centred group work approach, the elements of the buddy system, task setting, etc. have enhanced the relationships amongst the members. There were 2 members to 3 members in a buddy group. Many games were played to help the buddy group get together, cooperate with each other and learn decision-making skills. Thus, it is believed that the relationship amongst the students within the buddy group is rather closed. Nearly 90% of the participants identified that they had build up a mutual help and support relationship with at least one member. It might indicate that the buddy system had been effective in helping the members to build up mutual support relationship with each other.
On self-development, confidence in actively asking questions, confidence in their potential to help others, assertiveness, the successful experiences/identity built from task achievement, willingness to put in effort in their academic work.
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
Confidence in asking questions. |
小組後, 當我遇到不明白的功課, 我會詢問伙伴。 |
11.1% |
------- |
11.1% |
11.1% |
44.4% |
22.2% |
小組前, 我懂得如何問有關功課的問題。 |
22.2% |
11.1% |
22.2% |
11.1% |
33.3% |
-------- |
現在我遇到學習疑難,我會立刻主動詢問別人。 |
11.1% |
-------- |
11.1% |
55.5% |
-------- |
22.2% |
Confidence in own capacity to help others. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
小組前, 我覺得自己能力低, 沒有能力幫助伙伴功課。 |
11.1% |
22.2% |
11.1% |
22.2% |
22.2% |
11.1% |
小組後, 我覺得自己有能力幫助伙伴解答功課疑難。 |
22.2% |
11.1% |
11.1% |
44.4% |
------- |
11.1% |
Assertiveness. |
透過小組, 我現在較有勇氣表達自己的不同意見。 |
11.1% |
------- |
------- |
44.4% |
22.2% |
33.3% |
我以前很少主動與人交談。 |
11.1% |
22.2% |
11.1% |
11.1% |
11.1% |
22.2% |
在小組之後, 我也是一樣很少主動與他人交談。 |
33.3% |
22.2% |
11.1% |
------- |
22.2% |
11.1% |
相較以前, 我較有自信表達自己的意見。 |
33.3% |
-------- |
11.1% |
22.2% |
22.2% |
11.1% |
我較從前主動參加輔導活動小組。 |
--------- |
-------- |
22.2% |
44.4% |
11.1% |
22.2% |
在小組之前, 在班內我從不敢表達自己的不同意見。 |
22.2% |
-------- |
11.1% |
33.3% |
22.2% |
11.1% |
The experience of success. |
我從完成功課中, 感覺到「我也能做到」。 |
11.1% |
-------- |
-------- |
44.4% |
-------- |
44.4% |
我從完成功課中, 取得滿足感。 |
11.1% |
-------- |
11.1% |
33.3% |
33.3% |
11.1% |
Willingness to put in effort in their academic work. |
以前我從不願意為學習而付出努力。 |
22.2% |
11.1% |
55.5% |
-------- |
11.1% |
-------- |
現在我願意為學習付出更多努力。 |
22.2% |
11.1% |
-------- |
33.3% |
22.2% |
11.1% |
相較小組之前,我現在覺得自己有能力妥善完戊功課。 |
11.1% |
-------- |
-------- |
33.3% |
22.2% |
33.3% |
In the aspect of gaining confidence in asking questions after the group, nearly 80 % of the participants indicated that they would be more active to ask their partners/others when they encountered academic difficulties. It might be because in the group, there were big sisters available for them to get help from when they met with difficulties. Thus, they become more confidence in raising out their difficulties, especially to their partner. As reported by the big sisters on the following questions, "從指導功課的過程中, 我發現同學普遍較之前主動詢問功課。", over 66% of big sisters agreed on that point. It showed that the students are generally more willing to put up their hands and seek for help.
The confidence in own capacity in helping others in the group is not so significantly shown. It might be due to the fact that in the group, though some buddy would help each other in their homework, however, the helping role is mainly perform by the big sisters. Thus, there is not very much opportunities for them to show their capacity.
Concerning assertiveness, it is observed that some members had shown improvement in voicing out their opinions within the group. The question, "在小組之前, 在班內我從不敢表達自己的不同意見。", over 70 % of the participants agreed on that point. Over 90 % of the participants agreed on the question, "透過小組, 我現在較有勇氣表達自己的不同意見。" In fact, over 80 % of the big sister's observation had indicated that the students were more willing and active in front of the group. The members, especially those passive members, were always encouraged to share in the discussion at the end of the group sessions. It is believed that there are certain improvements for the members to speak out their view.
As stated in the group proposal, one of the objectives of the group was to let the students experience success and achievement from task accomplishment and positive feedback. In that way, the students might be able to gain their confidence in studying. There are over 90 % of the members who said that they could achieve in this area. Over 70 % of the students said that they received satisfaction from the accomplishment of tasks. With regards to the objectives of helping students build up better habits of completing tasks before the group, enhancing their English Language ability and experiencing achievement from task accomplishment, the results in the questionnaire showed that most students can feel the success and achievement form the task.
In learning aspect, the buddy system was assessed.
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
我認為伙伴間亙相幫助檢查功課, 對我的學習並沒有幫助。 |
22.2% |
11.1% |
11.1% |
33.3% |
22.2% |
--------- |
於小組後, 我不會繼續與伙伴亙相檢查功課及提點事項。 |
22.2% |
11.1% |
11.1% |
22.2% |
33.3% |
--------- |
In the aspect of mobilising school resources (star counsellors) in the helping process, two questions were asked.
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
於詢問姐姐的過程中, 我不能學習到問題的解決方法。 |
22.2% |
33.3% |
22.2% |
11.1% |
------- |
11.1% |
我覺得大姐姐能夠幫助我解決功課疑難。 |
------- |
------- |
------- |
33.3% |
33.3% |
22.2% |
(3) By star counsellors feedback---questionnaire.
There is a questionnaire for every star counsellors to fill in. The questions asked were mainly in the ares of their observation of the students during the time they were trying to solve their academic difficulties, as well as a focus on their personal development. The latter is to find out if they have gained confidence in their ability to help others and if they have increased in their commitment towards the post. The star counsellors had also given some verbal comments on the participation and performance of some individual members.
The observations of students.
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
從指導功課的過程中, 我發現同學普遍較之前主動詢問功課。 |
-------- |
16.7% |
16.7% |
33.3% |
33.3% |
------ |
從指導功課及輔導活動的過程中, 我觀察同學較之前主動發言。 |
-------- |
-------- |
16.7% |
16.7% |
66.7% |
------ |
The development in star counsellors themselves, including the gaining of more confidence and commitment.
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
參加完輔導活動, 我對自己協助別人的能力更有信心。 |
------- |
-------- |
16.7% |
33.3% |
50% |
------- |
透過輔導活動, 我覺得加強了自己的對「輔導之星」的認同。 |
-------- |
------- |
33.3% |
-------- |
66.7% |
------- |
It is a commitment to attend "counseling activities" for those big sisters. They need to put in their time in helping students in their academic work. Also, they need to put in effort to set or search for some worksheets for the students. Through the participation of warm up games and activities, they have to be the helpers too. Confidence is gained through the ability to accomplish all those above. Over 80 % of the big sisters identified that they had increased their confidence through the helping process. The group is not only designed for the students, but also for the big sisters to gain more confidence and commitment. It is a kind of personal development for them too.
(4) By worker's natural observation.
Though the improvement on the dictations or test results are not very significant, however, through the observation, it is clear that there are some changes for some members. For example, P used to be very passive and shy at the beginning of the group. However, she was able to give comments and suggestions during the last few group sessions. She had also pointed out in the last session that she realized she had become more assertive and was able to speak up in the group.
C and E were very resistant towards the workers at the beginning of the group. C was also reluctant to hand in the tasks assigned. However, after letting them to choose the task themselves and to have the autonomy to make decision, C and E, both able and willing to hand in the tasks. E had even handed in the previous tasks. They were also being more responsible than before, for instance, they volunteered to clean up after the group's tea party
F is a girl whom I observed to have changed a lot too. She was a hard working girl, but very shy. She seldom spoke to others in the group. However, it is found that she was getting more and more talkative before others. She was more active in asking questions and helping others. She performed the helper role in the group as well.
(Comments: The placement student has presented some of the findings from the questionnaires filled out by the group members and the star counselors. She has also briefly commented on her own observation of the group. She can further strengthen this evaluative study by offering her comment on these findings in the context of her experience and observation of the group. This can be done by a more active integration of her interpretation and evaluative comments on the different areas being discussed. In evaluating a piece of social work intervention, evaluating the process that the group has gone through is important if not more so then solely discussing the outcome of the group through the means of questionnaires. This is especially so given the crude measuring instruments in use and the short-term nature of the group. It will be helpful to ask, why certain things happened the way they did? What could be the factors involved? How does the outcome challenge the pre-existing notions/assumptions on areas such as group dynamics, members' participation, clients' change, worker's roles, etc.? How does this group experience help to rethink or re-position oneself in the context of working with adolescent clients in a group?)
Suggestions For the Group / Evaluation
There are a lot of variables that might lead to the changes in students. However, it is believed that the intervention of counseling activities group would have some influences on various aspect of the students, including their peer system, studying habit, being more active or assertive.
Written and revised by: 70149124 (Student)
Instructor: T Y Lee
Copy Edited by: Phyllis Chee
Commented by: Phyllis Chee
2001 by the City
University of Hong Kong. All rights reserved.