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Dr Reuben Mondejar is an Associate Professor in the Department of Management at the City University of Hong Kong where he is Director/Programme Leader of the Master's Programme in Global Business Management. He was formerly Tutor in Southeast Asian Studies at Harvard University and Associate of the Weatherhead Center for International Affairs at Harvard. He has held visiting academic appointments at Balliol College, Oxford University, and St Edmund's and Wolfson, Cambridge University, UK. He was formerly visiting fellow at the IFO Research Institute (Munich), and the Kiel Institut fur Weltwirtschaft in Germany. He is an occasional Asian affairs commentator/analyst for international news providers including CNBC, CCTV-Channel 9, BBC, Bloomberg, and CNN. His articles have appeared in the popular press as well as academic journals such as the Journal of Management, Journal of Management Studies, Management International Review, and Journal of Entrepreneurship, among others.

Dr Reuben Mondejar