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Archived News
- Dr. Linqi Song won Tencent AI Lab Rhino-Bird Focused Research Program 2019 Excellence Award
- Aug 2020: Dr. Linqi Song received Best Paper Award in IEEE MIPR 2020
- Jul 2020: Dr. Junhui Hou led special session organizer: LEARNING-BASED GEOMETRY MODELING FROM LIGHT FIELDS AND BEYOND, 2020 IEEE International Conference Multimedia and Expo
July 2020: Dr. Linqi Song Co-organizing the 2nd TBSI Workshop on Learning Theory
Jan 2020: Prof. Antoni Chan has given an public talk to HK secondary students and teachers: "Computers that learn from experience: Deep learning and its applications", Talk Series on Emerging Technologies - Science, Opportunities & Challenges, The HK Young Academy of Sciences, Jan 2020
- Dec 2019: Dr. Shiqi Wang received the Best Paper Award in 2019 IEEE International Conference on Visual Communications and Image Processing (VCIP)
- Oct 2019: Dr. Linqi Song Organized the AI in Energy Systems Workshop (in conjunction with SmartGridComm’19)
- Aug 2019: Prof. Jianping Wang received Best Paper Award in BIGCOM 2019
July 2019: Dr. Shiqi Wang won IEEE ICME 2019 Best Paper Award.
- May 2019: Dr. Linqi Song received best presentation award in ACM 5th International Conference on Computing and Data Engineering (2019)
July 2018: Dr. Shiqi Wang received IEEE Multimedia Magazine 2018 Best Paper Award
- June 2018: Dr. Junhui Hou received Early Career Award from RGC HK in 2018
Former PhD student, Ting Yao, won SIGMM Outstanding Ph.D. Thesis Award 2015.
26 November, 2014.
The 1st MERC Forum on Future Computing with Future Data (FFCFD2014) &
The Opening Ceremony of the Shenzhen Branch of Multimedia software Engineering Research Centre (MERC Shenzhen)
21 November 2014, Computer science colloquium
Speaker: Prof Chang Wen CHEN of University of Buffalo
Title: HTTP Video Streaming in the New Era of Cloud Mobile Media: Challenges and Solutions
- CityU and Tsinghua University will prepare for the establishment of the Hong Kong Branch of a national engineering research centre. The branch, to be started with MERC, will promote the commercialisation of research outcomes by applying multimedia technology into, among many possible areas, manufacturing informatisation, e-commerce and modern logistics, intelligent management for urban cities, and online education research.
- MERC, Chemical Industry Press, Beihang University and CDI Systems have teamed up for a China-Israel Joint project.
- NERCMS report - MERC members visit National Engineering Research Center For Multimedia Software.