CityU showcases 50 projects at Innovation Expo 05

Louis Won


City University of Hong Kong is showcasing more than 50 projects at the Innovation Expo 05 to demonstrate how science, new technologies and applied research can improve the quality of people’s lives.


The Expo, organized by the Government’s Innovation and Technology Commission, aims to develop a more innovative culture within the community.


Participation at the Expo, held at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre until 2 October, emphasizes CityU’s commitment to the betterment of people’s lives through its applied research.


“This is an opportunity for CityU to introduce the results of our applied research in science and technology to the general public,” said Mr H Y Wong, Director of CityU’s Technology Transfer Office. “We want to show the general public how our achievements in these areas can benefit people’s daily life,” he said.


The CityU exhibitions highlight life and environmental sciences; material and surface sciences; electronics; industrial applications; information technology and multimedia applications; and wireless communications.


CityU’s School of Creative Media (SCM) is participating in the Expo for the first time, promoting five interactive multimedia applications developed by SCM students. One highly innovative project simulates flight, replicating a sense flying like a bird though the air.


Two CityU academics delivered talks at the Expo. Chair Professor Ron Hui, Department of Electronic Engineering, spoke about a new energy-saving environmentally-friendly dimming method for non-dimmable lighting systems; Ms Sze Mei, Lecturer in the Department of Chinese, Translation and Linguistics, discussed new software that helped learners of Putonghua check the accuracy of their pronunciation.


In addition, a display of lightweight concrete developed by Dr Tommy Lo, Associate Professor in the Department of Building and Construction, features in the Quality Living Zone, a section of the Expo that draws attention to products and technologies that can make the world a better place to live in. 



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