Renovation @ Run Run Shaw Library
Phase 1: Before Renovation
Phase 1: Before Renovation
Renovation: Phase One
Renovation: Phase One
Renovation: Phase One
Renovation in Progress
Renovation in Progress
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圖書館第一期整建進入最後衝刺階段! - 更多....

Questionnaire - Library Survey on Learning Space Planning

The Run Run Shaw Library of the City University is planning a major renovation and spatial reorganization starting in the summer of 2007. We need to collect data on your usage of library facilities, preferences in the future renovation, and your current satisfaction level in order to help us to do space planning. It will only take you 5 minutes to fill in this survey. We appreciate your cooperation.

1. I visit the Library mostly to (please check X on the top 5 important reasons):
a. 口 study g. 口 view multimedia items
b. 口 do assignments h. 口 borrow/return library materials
c. 口 find information i. 口 have discussion with others
d. 口 do research j. 口 meet friends or rest or wait for the next class
e. 口 read magazines/newspapers k. 口 use the Information Space
f. 口 seek assistance from librarians l. others, please specify:_________________

2. Normally I visit the Library (choose 1 only):
口almost everyday
口a few times a week
口once a week
口a few times a month
口once a month
口less than once a month

3. Most of the time I visit the Library (choose 1 only):
口in the morning (8:30am - 12pm)
口around noon time (12 - 2pm)
口in the afternoon (2 - 6pm)
口in the evening (6 - 11pm)
口on weekends or public holidays
口without a fixed pattern

4. In each visit the average time I spend in the Library is (choose 1 only):
口less than half an hour
口less than one hour
口one hour
口two hours
口three hours
口four hours
口over four hours

5. The places/areas in the Library I normally use are (can choose more than 1):
a. 口 study area g. 口 Semi-closed Reserve/Media Resources Collection Room
b. 口 study carrel h. 口 Media and Electronic Resources Centre
c. 口 group study/discussion/seminar room i. 口 book collection area
d. 口 current newspaper reading area j. 口 journal collection area
e. 口 Information Space k. others, please specify:_________________
f. 口 Catalogue and E-resources workstations    

6. Compared with the current space plan, I would like the Library to ADD or EXPAND these facilities after the renovation (please check X on the top 5):
a. 口 individual study seats i. 口 Information Space
b. 口 individual study rooms j. 口 exhibition & display area
c. 口 group study area k. 口 teaching facilities
d. 口 discussion area l. 口 seminar/meeting rooms
e. 口 cafe/food area m. 口 writing lab
f. 口 group media viewing rooms n. 口mobile phone area
g. 口 presentation practice rooms o. 口bookshelves
h. 口 faculty rooms and lounge p. 口others, please specify: ___________________

7. In order to expand the above facilities, some facilities may need to be CUT. If that is necessary, I prefer to cut the following(s) (can choose more than 1):
a.口 quiet study area
b.口 discussion area
c.口 individual study rooms
d.口 group study area
e.口 faculty rooms
f. 口 bookshelves
g.口 others, please specify:

8. Concerning eating food in the Library, I agree to the following:
a.口 Light snack/drink should be allowed in a designated area only (such as cafe)
b.口 Food should not be allowed in the Library at all times

9. Concerning making noise in the Library, I agree to the following:
a.口 Noise and discussion should be allowed in a designated sound proof area
b.口 Noise should not be allowed in the Library, including discussion and cell phones

10. With the current Library space planning, I am:
a.口 very satisfied
b.口 satisfied
c.口 somewhat satisfied
d.口 somewhat dissatisfied
e.口 dissatisfied
f. 口 very dissatisfied

11. With the current Library facilities, I am:
a.口 very satisfied
b.口 satisfied
c.口 somewhat satisfied
d.口 somewhat dissatisfied
e.口 dissatisfied
f. 口 very dissatisfied

12. I belong to:
a. 口 Fac. of Business f. 口 Div. of Building Science and Technology
b. 口 Fac. of Humanities and Social Sciences g. 口 CCCU
c. 口 Fac of Science and Engineering h. 口 Admin. & academic support units
d. 口 Sch. of Creative Media i. 口 Research Centres
e. 口 Sch. of Law j. 口 Others, please specify:__________

13. I am a:
a. 口 F-T associate degree student, Year____ e. 口Part-time associate degree student, Year ___
b. 口 F-T undergraduate student, Year___ f. 口Part-time undergraduate student, Year ____
c. 口 F-T postgraduate student, Year____ g. 口Part-time postgraduate student, Year____
d. 口 Faculty or instructor h 口Staff

14. Please give other comments on library space planning below.
Thank you very much! Please drop in the Survey Collection Box.

You are most welcome to visit the Renovation Exhibition which is on display in the Library Lobby from March 8-28.

Last modified on Thursday February 27 2025