Renovation @ Run Run Shaw Library
Phase 1: Before Renovation
Phase 1: Before Renovation
Renovation: Phase One
Renovation: Phase One
Renovation: Phase One
Renovation in Progress
Renovation in Progress
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圖書館第一期整建進入最後衝刺階段! - 更多....



Library Survey on Learning Space Planning

The Run Run Shaw Library of the City University is planning a major renovation and spatial reorganization starting in the summer of 2007. We need to collect data on your usage of library facilities, preferences in the future renovation, and your current satisfaction level in order to help us to do space planning. It will only take you 5 minutes to fill in this Survey. We appreciate your cooperation.
You are most welcome to visit the Renovation Exhibition which is on display in the Library Lobby from March 9-28.
For any further enquiries, please feel free to contact Miss Wendy Ho at 3442 6584.
Run Run Shaw Library
March 12, 2007




Last modified on Tuesday April 29 2008