About the conference
Call for papers
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Keynote Speakers

Mr. Tom Sanville    

He has been Executive Director of OhioLINK since July 1992. The program now serves 86 member and participating institutions with a union catalog equipped with a statewide patron-initiated borrowing system, over 100 reference and research databases, and statewide electronic centers for theses and dissertations, journals, books, and digital media.

He is active in the development of the International Coalition of Library Consortia (ICOLC), Libraries Connect Ohio, and other library organizations.

Tom was formerly Vice President of Marketing for Online Computer Library Center (OCLC), Inc., Dublin, Ohio, where he worked for 10 years. Prior to working for OCLC he spent seven years in the soft drink industry including marketing positions with The Coca-Cola Company.

He has a B.S. from the Georgia Institute of Technology and an MBA from the University of Michigan.


Mr. Andrew Wells    

Andrew Wells is the University Librarian at The University of New South Wales. He was appointed to this position in September 2001. Andrew has held senior positions in several major Australian libraries. He joined the National Library of Australia in August 1996 as Director, Technical Services and was later promoted to Assistant Director, General Resource Sharing Division. In this position, he led the implementation of Kinetica in 1999 which replaced the Australian Bibliographic Network. At the State Library of New South Wales, he occupied senior positions in collection and multicultural services and was Manager, Document Delivery Service for two years. He has worked in a large number of libraries, with major periods of service at the University of Queensland Library and Macquarie University Library.

Andrew has been active in the library profession through contributions to the Australian Library and Information Association and standards bodies including Standards Australia Committee IT/19 and the Australian Committee on Cataloguing. He is currently the President of the Council of Australian University Librarians and was Chairperson of CEIRC (CAUL Electronic Information Resources Committee) for 2006 and 2007. He was a mentor for the Aurora Leadership Institute for four consecutive years from 2003 to 2006.



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