Paintings of the Ch'ing Dynasty (1644¡V1911)

As for the Ch'ing Dynasty, court painting developed greatly during the reigns of Emperor Kang-Hsi (±dº³) and Ch¡¦ien-lung (°®¶©). New styles and features emerged which were completely different from those of academy painting of previous dynasties. In addition, literati painting came to be the mainstream of painting. Landscape painting and the freehand brushwork of ink painting were prevailing. Some artists admired for the ancient classic styles and some others advocated innovation. There were different pursuits in terms of the subject matter, the theme and brushwork techniques, which resulted in a wide range of styles and schools. Moreover, the Ming loyalists, another group of artists in the Ch¡¦ing Dynasty, chose to draw inspiration from the natural beauty of the local scenery. Since many of them wished to escape from the chaos of the Manchu conquest, they found sanctuary in the nature.






Selected Works    
Streams and Pines in the Valle

Wang Yuan-ch¡¦i: Streams and Pines in the Valle

Exquisite Artistic Work of Landscape

Wu Li: Exquisite Artistic Work of Landscape


Yˆ¢ Shou-p¡¦ing : Flowers

A Deer at the Side of A Pine

Pa Ta-Shen Jen: A Deer at the Side of A Pine

  Talents in Poetry, Calligraphy & Painting (Details)  

Shih Tao:
Talents in Poetry, Calligraphy & Painting

Bamboos in Ink

Cheng Xia: Bamboos in Ink