Tuition Fee and Cost of Study

The tuition fee for non-local students is HKD160,000 (~USD20,500) in the 2024/25 academic year. The tuition fee is subject to annual review.

Rough Estimation of the Yearly Cost of Studying at CityUHK
Expenses On-Campus Accommodation1 Off-Campus Accommodation
Tuition Fee2 HKD160,000
Living Costs (meals, transportations, laundry, and education expenses for books, stationeries, etc.)3 HKD50,000 HKD50,000
Accommodation HKD19,1004 HKD50,000-60,0005
Total cost per academic year HKD229,100(~USD29,400) HKD260,000-270,000
  1. Priority will be given to non-local students during the first two years of study.
  2. Tuition fee for 2024/25. For the latest information, please refer to
  3. Actual costs will vary depending on lifestyle choices. Students may also need to budget for overseas exchanges, summer study tours and emergency medical expenses, etc.
  4. Residence fee for a double room at the Student Residence on campus. All fees are subject to annual review.
  5. Estimated costs for private renting.
