Qinxuan Du, Ruike Zhang, and Tongjia Hu

To engage and nurture undergraduate ethnic minority students from Mainland China to become future leaders with good communication skills and intercultural competence, the Ethnic Minority Engagement Project (Project EME) aims to provide opportunities and resources for eligible students to hone communication skills and gain international exposure through trainings and hands-on practices. As part of Project EME, the Outstanding Community Leader Award (OCLA) is to provide recognition for outstanding students and acknowledge their personal growth and contribution to the community. Qinxuan Du (Accountancy), Ruike Zhang (Chinese and History), and Tongjia Hu (Finance) are selected as the awardees of the OCLA 2023.

Qinxuan Du shared, "my learning experience at CityU has been transformative. As a student from the Bai ethnic minority from mainland China, I found the open atmosphere in the local Hong Kong society and CityU's inclusive environment encouraging. I encourage fellow students at CityU to actively participate in multicultural activities and projects. This not only increases your multicultural awareness and intercultural competence, but also improves your cross-cultural communication skills. Engaging with students from diverse backgrounds broadens your perspective and helps you appreciate the richness of global cultures."

Ruike Zhang, who is also Qinxuan Du's twin sister, said, 'thanks to the multicultural campus environment at CityU, I am constantly reminded of the importance of being open-minded to different understandings, beliefs, and cultures. I recommend that students stay curious and take part in different kinds of activities to make the most out of their education in Hong Kong."

Tongjia Hu, a Manchu student, shared her tips about developing intercultural competence and cross-cultural communication. “Don't be afraid to speak English (or any other foreign languages)! Speak up and your language skills will improve. Make friends with people from different backgrounds. Learn actively and don't hesitate to reach out to professors and tutors."

(In the photo from left to right: Qinxuan Du, Ruike Zhang, Tongjia Hu)

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