Abstract of Research

Large network systems for electricity transmission, passenger transport, supply chain management, internet connectivity, finance and other applications may be increasing in complexity faster than we can ensure their safe, reliable and efficient operation. Monitoring technologies have developed just as rapidly, yielding large quantities of data. Massive challenges loom, however, in the synthesis of monitoring techniques with effective ways to mine the resulting data for information that can be acted on quickly and effectively.

Hong Kong has a reputation for innovation, dependability, efficiency and accountability in business services. Our proposal seeks to extend Hong Kong’s advantages by establishing it as a center of expertise in the safety, reliability, and efficient management of complex network systems. We will focus specifically on high-speed rail (HSR) and urban (metro) train systems. It is anticipated that project results will be transportable to other complex network systems.

Our world-class team has expertise in the rapidly developing interconnected fields of remote sensing and monitoring, real-time probabilistic and statistical analysis of large, high-velocity data streams, and decision-theoretic techniques for economical operation of safe, reliable engineering systems. The proposed research is in two areas: ensuring the safety and reliability of HSR and metro engineering systems; and ensuring the safe and efficient management of passenger capacity, demand, scheduling and pricing. We will also prescribe decision processes for disaster management and rescheduling in the event of disruptions.