Important dates:

Extended abstract submission deadline:      22 October, 2012
Extended early registration deadline:          
5 November, 2012
Workshop:                                        9-13 December, 2012



Please send correspondance/request for information to


Call for abstracts (PDF File): Download here (click to download)


Download registration form (PDF) or (Word File)


Please submit your abstracts using the
Abstract Template (PDF) or the Abstract Template (Word File)

Registration Fee *

On or before 05 November




Regular: USD 400 (HKD3,110)


Student: USD200 (HKD1,555)






After 05 November




Regular: USD 450 (HKD3,500)


Student: USD250 (HKD1,945)






* The regular fee will include refreshments, lunches, a dinner banquet and a copy of abstract book.
   The student fee will include refreshments, lunches and a copy of abstract book.