Guest Speakers

Mr. Raymond C.M.YIM

Mr Raymond YIM

香港社會企業策劃有限公司 創辦人

Guest Introduction
Mr. Raymond C.M.YIM is a BCJ (Hon) MBA, MPHIL (HKU) graduate, professional accountant, chartered marketer and founded a NGO, HONG KONG SOCIAL ENTERPRISE INCUBATION CENTRE LIMITED - HKSEIC ( in 2007 engaging in social enterprise research and education; incubation and management.
HKSEIC is engaging in “from cradle to grave” (postnatal care; elderly & patient care, end of life) social enterprise development and set up three Hong Kong pioneer SEs namely “Postnatal Care SE” ; “La Bella Vita Beauty & Spa”; “Yan Fook Funeral Shop”. Other successfully incubated Hong Kong pilot SEs are “Home Based Physiotherapy SE”; “Cancer Patients Escort SE”; “Bereavement Counseling SE”; “Music in Hospital SE” and “Music @ Community SE” .
Raymond is Adjunct Professor to Hong Kong Shue Yan University; Part-time Lecturer to The Chinese University of Hong Kong / City University SCOPE / Hong Kong Institute of Christian Counseling and Hon. Advisor to CUHK Centre for Civil Society Studies as well as Founding Member to H.K. Professionals & Senior Executives Association, Hon. Secretary to HKU SPACE Alumni Council and chairs its Social Entrepreneurship Committee as well as Fellow to HKU Centre for Criminology. CM is Organizing Committee Member to HK SE Summit since 2008; Founding Member to H.K. ASEAN Economic Co-operation Foundation and Hon. Treasurer to H.K. Youth Ballet Limited.

Speech Topic: What makes social enterprise effective in Hong Kong
Raymond invented Social Enterprise Dynamic Triadic Relationship