

2016/05/06 Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management (SEEM) of CityU becomes our sponsoring company
Thank you very much for the supporting by SEEM. SEEM aspires to be a centre of excellence in education and research in industrial and systems engineering, engineering management.
2016/04/30 Vantis Solution Limited becomes our sponsoring company
Thank you very much for the supporting by Vantis. Vantis provides the IT consultancy services and end-to-end business Applications to their customers.
2016/04/16 The Symposium became part of the International Start-Up Week
The week brings together a series of start-up events from NGOs, universities, co-working spaces and relevant government organisations.
2016/04/02 Unleash Foundation Limited becomes our sponsoring company
Thank you very much for the supporting by Unleash Foundation. Unleash Foundation is a non-profit organization. It establish an online working platform and provide job opportunities for people with disabilities (PWD) and create employment positions .
2016/03/17 DKJ 成為活動贊助公司
2016/03/15 香港旅遊發展局會贈送香港地圖小冊子
2016/03/12 第一批錄取通知書發放了
由於想發言的老師太多,題目也太好了,但會議時間有限,組委會只能精心選一些適合所有參加者的。 如何你們只有取錄通知沒有發言邀請的話﹐代表發言這次沒有選中。 大家請盡快預訂來港交通跟酒店。
2016/03/01 研討會網上報名開通了
2016/02/26 2016兩岸三地創新創業教育研討會展開宣傳
2015/06/05 文匯報:內地院校多招推創業教育
2015/04/22 中國教育電視台報導香港城市大學學者關於創新創業教育的主題演講
中國教育電視台(China Education Television) 於2015年4月22日晚18:30分報導了香港城市大學孫洪義博士在北京科技大學為中國首屆創業導師論壇“千導計劃”所做的主題演講...
2014/07/12 南華早報: 促進創新 (只有英文版本)
2014/06/24 南華早報:香港城市大學教授為大陸大專院校提供創業教育教學新方向(只有英文版本)
2014/06/19 城大新聞網: 城大舉辦研討會推動內地創新及創業教育
香港城市大學(城大)6月5至9日在南京審計學院舉辦第二期創新創業教育研討會暨師資培訓班,以助推動內地高等院校的創新及創業教育。 ...