Korean Philosophy: Past Insights and Future Posibilities
Coordinator: Prof. Sungmoon Kim
Meritocratic Democracy
Political Virtue between East and West
East-West Dialogue on Good Governance-Learning from Each Other
Coordinator: Prof. Sungmoon Kim & Prof. FAN Ruiping
CEACOP International Conference: Equality and Hierarchy
CEACOP Workshop: Modern Confucianism between Philosophy and Sociology
"Book Panel on Sungmoon Kim’s Theorizing Confucian Virtue Politics: The Political Philosophy of Mencius and Xunzi (Online)"
"CEACOP Book Panel: Democracy in China: The Coming Crisis (Online)"
by Prof. Jiwei Ci (University of Hong Kong) Coordinator: Prof. Sungmoon Kim
"CEACOP Book Panel: Against Political Equality: The Case of Confucianism (Online)"
by Prof. Tongdong Bai (Fudan University) Coordinator: Prof. Sungmoon Kim
"CEACOP International Conference: The Problem of Pluralism in Confucian Political Theory (Online)"
Conference Schedule Coordinator: Prof. Sungmoon Kim
"CEACOP Book Panel: Political Liberalism, Confucianism, and the Future of Democracy in East Asia (Online)"
by Prof. Peter Li (St. John’s University) Coordinator: Prof. Sungmoon Kim & Dr. Franz Mang
"CEACOP Book Panel: Confucianism’s Prospects: A Reassessment (Online)"
by Prof. Shaun O’Dwyer (Kyushu University) Coordinator: Prof. Sungmoon Kim
"Facing Contingency: Korean Neo-Confucianism in theFace of Political Reality"
Workshop Schedule Coordinator: Prof. Jung-in Kang & Prof. Sungmoon Kim
"Confucian Political Meritocracy: Possibilities and Limits"
Workshop Schedule Coordinator: Prof. Sungmoon Kim
"Democracy in Korea after the Candlelight Vigil and Impeachment"
"Political Theory from East Asia: Toward New Perspectives"
Political Theory in the East Asian Context: Beyond West-Centrism
"Political Theory and Theorizing East and West"
Workshiop Schedule Coordinator: Prof. Sungmoon Kim
Korean and Comparative Philosophy and History of Philosophy
Conference Schedule
Reimaging Nation and Nationalism in Multicultural East Asia Conference Schedule Coordinator: Dr. Hsin-wen Lee & Dr. Sungmoon Kim
Confucianism, Law, and Politics in Korea: Past and Present
Coordinator: Dr. Sungmoon Kim