2018 International Symposium on
Nanobiotechnology, Biosensors and Biochips

2018 International Symposium on NanoBiotechnology, Biosensors and Biochips

Senate Room
19/F Lau Ming Wai Academic Building
City University of Hong Kong
13–14 December 2018

Senate Room
19/F Lau Ming Wai Academic Building
City University of Hong Kong
13–14 December 2018

City University of Hong Kong Department of Biomedical Sciences

Call for Abstract

Abstract Submission Deadline: 30 November 2018 6 December 2018

We are now inviting interested parties to submit abstract for oral presentation.


Nanobiotechnology, Biosensors, Biochips

Author’s Guidelines

Oral Presentation Guidelines

Best Oral Presentation Awards

The Best Oral Presentation Awards will be awarded at the Symposium.


Please contact symposium secretariat by email: bms.event@cityu.edu.hk.


More up-to-date information will be announced through your registered email address, please read your email box to stay tuned.