On-Campus Services & Benefits

Campus Bookshop

  • Special discounts are available for CityUHK Alumni * at the campus bookshop operated by Commercial Press (HK) Ltd and other Commercial Press (HK) Ltd outlets (Except magazines and specified items). [Enquiries (campus bookshop): 3442 2290]

*Alumni are required to verify their identity by presenting CityUHK Mobile ID, Alumni Card or Credit Card.

City University of Hong Kong Press

  • CityUHK Alumni can enjoy a 20% discount* on all publications from CityUHK Press. (Enquiries: 3442 6818)

*Excluding delivery fee

Car Parking

  • CityUHK Credit Card holders can enjoy a parking fee discount at HK$10/hour (fee for non CityUHK Credit Card users is $20/hour) during off-peak hours (Mon-Fri: 1700 – 2330; Sat, Sun and public holidays: 0700 – 2330).

    (General enquiry for car parking facilities at the Facilities Management Office: 3442 6891)

City Chinese Restaurant

  • CityUHK Credit Card and CityUHK Alumni Card holders are entitled to a 10% service charge waiver upon presenting a valid card.
  • CityUHK Credit Card holders can use Cash Dollars as cash for payment at City Chinese Restaurant.
  • CityUHK Credit Card and CityUHK Alumni Card holders will be admitted during non-peak hours (peak hours - Mon to Fri 12:00 - 13:30)

Email Services

(* Microsoft 365 New Storage Limits from 1st January 2025)

Starting from 29 January 2013, the CityU-Net Basic Service (Basic Service) - "CityUHK Microsoft 365" will be provided to new graduates and new registered users. CityUHK students can use their current "CityUHK Microsoft 365" accounts after graduation.

CityUHK EID in alphanumeric format(e.g. tmchan2) is a unique ID assigned to users for accessing IT services (e.g. AIMS, WiFi and Email etc.) provided by the University. Your new EID will be effective once you have activated it at HERE.

"CityUHK Microsoft 365" is supported by the cloud solution, Microsoft Office 365. It is provided by the Microsoft for educational sector. "CityUHK Microsoft 365" users can easily access their emails, calendar and contacts anytime from anywhere through the web browsers, email clients or mobile apps.

On 3 June 2020, Computing Services Centre (CSC) has unified the login account with the email address for Microsoft 365 (M365, previously known as O365). Subsequent to the change, the login account for email will be changed to eid-c@my.cityu.edu.hk.

Login to the "CityUHK Microsoft 365", please visit: https://email.cityu.edu.hk/home/


  • The University shall not be held liable to the users for any loss or damage of data arising directly or indirectly from the failure of hardware or software, or from human error, although the University shall maintain procedures to prevent loss of data. Please note that backup will be performed for system recovery only and no support will be provided for restoration of any personal mail.

  • Although appropriate effort is made to maintain system security, unauthorized access is possible through malicious mischief over the network. The University shall not be held liable for any loss of data, theft of information, etc. arising directly or indirectly from the absence or failure of system security protection mechanisms.

  • The University shall not, at any time, be liable for any loss, directly or indirectly, of profits or revenues, from users as a result of service failure.

  • The University reserves the right to amend the terms and conditions of the service at her discretion without any prior notice.


  • Only authorized users may access the Service. The right to use the Service is not transferable.

  • You should only use the Service for personal purposes. You should not allow others to use your account for any purpose, including commercial use.

  • You are responsible for selecting a password for your email account and safeguarding that password at all times. In the event of theft or loss of password, you are allowed to restore your initial password from the system. The University will not be responsible for any consequence of misuses of the user's account.

  • You are responsible at all times for using the Service in a manner that is ethical, legal and not to the detriment of others. Harassing materials should not be sent via email or posted to electronic forums and newsgroups.

  • You should observe generally accepted rules including the CTNET policy related to proper use of email resources. If you are found to have violated the rules and triggered by incidences such as providing wrong contact information, the University reserves the right to restrict or terminate services provided to a user at any time without prior notice.

  • You are responsible for paying attention to all official messages sent by email, postal mail or fax from the University. Should precautions or actions be required, you will be responsible for all consequences or losses that result from neglecting the corresponding messages.

CityU-Net Basic Service is provided by the Alumni Relations Office in collaboration with Computing Services Centre and Enterprise Solutions Unit of City University of Hong Kong.


Alumni Library Services

Alumni are welcome to subscribe for Alumni Library Services: either as a Borrower or a Reader.

Alumni Library Services Subscription Fees Access to the Library in person Borrowing Privileges Access to Electronic Resources
1. Alumni Library Services – Reader
Yes (except during Partial Access Periods) No Inside Library (as walk-in users) to most electronic resources
2. Alumni Library Services – Borrower Yes Yes
4. Free registration for Alumni e-Resources Service FREE of CHARGE for 12 months by updating your personal contact/employment information on CityUHK AIMS. No No Remote access to selected library electronic resources only*
* Upon successful application/renewal for Alumni e-Resources Service.

Special Offer:

15% off on fees for online application or renewal whereby payment is settled on-line.


(1) The Library reserves the right not to approve and/or renew any applications for library services by any individual based on his or her past conduct in the Library and to maintain that restriction for as long as deemed appropriate by the Library. For details, please refer to the following URL:
(2) All alumni have to abide by the Library Regulations.


Library webpage: http://www.cityu.edu.hk/lib/

Sports Facilities

Use of Swimming Pool

Single Visit (Details of Charges)

CityUHK Alumni* may use the swimming pool at the rate of $40 per visit ($30 Guest Ticket Fee + $10 Admission Fee).

Opening Period

  • The pool opens from Tuesday to Sunday and will be closed on Mondays, General Holidays and winter maintenance period (December 2024 to early April 2025).
  • The opening hours may have to be adjusted in the event of life guard shortages.

For any enquiries, please call the General Office of Physical Education Section at 3442 8025 during office hours or email to sope@cityu.edu.hk.

*Alumni are required to present proof of alumni identity (CityUHK Mobile ID/ Alumni Card/ e-Card/ Credit Card – Principal Card) for verification purposes.

Transcript of Studies

Bachelor and Associate Degree

  • Please visit the Academic Regulations and Records Office website at here for application procedures of academic transcripts. (Enquiries: 3442 2300 / Email: as@cityu.edu.hk)

Postgraduate Degree

  • Please visit the Chow Yei Ching School of Graduate Studies website at here for application procedures of academic transcripts. (Enquiries: 3442 9014 / Email: tpenquir@cityu.edu.hk)

Wireless LAN Service

If you are a registered user of CityU-Net Basic Service which provides you with a lifetime email account, you can now enjoy WLAN service anywhere on CityUHK campus for FREE. With the same set of Electronic ID (EID) and password, you can login to "alumni" with your notebook, Wi-Fi phone or PDA to get access to the Internet. This WLAN service for alumni is jointly provided by the Alumni Relations Office and the Computing Services Centre.

If you do not have an account of CityU-Net Basic Service, you can apply here now.

If you have an account of CityU-Net Basic Service but forget the password, please click here to reset.

Configuration Procedures

Installation Guide for using Windows: (http://www.cityu.edu.hk/csc/deptweb/facilities/ctnet/wlan/wlan-summary.htm)

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is CityU-Net Basic Service and how to apply?

    The CityU-Net Basic Service is offered free-of-charge to the whole alumni community for personal and non-commercial use. You can have an email account which will carry a unique domain name, i.e. <EID>@alumni.cityu.edu.hk. You can access your email account from any Internet-connected computer anywhere in the world at anytime. Each email account is given 50G of storage space and you can receive and send email messages. More details can be found at here.

  2. Where can I use the WLAN?

    From time to time, access points will be installed or re-located to achieve good quality of service. Please visit here to view the WLAN coverage.

  3. What equipment is required to access the WLAN?

    A notebook computer or handheld computer with wireless connectivity compliance to the IEEE 802.11a, b, g or n standard are allowed to access WLAN service.

  4. How to login?

    Before you connect to the WLAN, user authentication is required for security purpose. You are prompted for a valid logon. Please use your EID and password to login. For detailed procedure, please refer to the section of Configuration Procedures.

  5. What can I do if I cannot login?

    Please ensure you have CityU-Net Basic Service account, and the EID and password are correct. If you cannot login the WLAN after resetting the password, please contact Alumni Relations Office at 3442 6075 for assistance.

Terms and Conditions

  • On using the network connection, users must observe the Policy on Use of IT Services and Facilities and Intellectual Property Policy and Related Matters stipulated by the University.
  • To comply with the Intellectual Property Ordinance, users must ensure all software running on their PCs have proper licenses.
  • The University can decline any application and/or terminate any existing network connection without advance notice.
  • Users are fully accountable for any activities conducted from their PCs on the network

(Subject to regular review)

OneDrive Cloud Storage

(* Microsoft 365 New Storage Limits from 1st January 2025)
OneDrive for Business provides free storage space for alumni to store and share files/folders online. With all your files/folders in the cloud, it is easy to access from anywhere outside of the university network on any device (PC, tablet, phone) with a web browser or an app (Android, iOS, Windows or Mac). Users can configure files/folders to be shared with others both internal and external to the University. Furthermore, OneDrive automatically creates a new version of the stored file every time it is edited and keeps previous versions of the same file as hidden backups. Users can therefore restore a previous version as they see fit.

Please check the user guide at HERE.

Faculty Lounge

  • Alumni are welcome to enjoy the Faculty Lounge at CityUHK, located on 9/F of the Bank of China (Hong Kong) Complex.
  • Enquiries: 3442 8138 / facultylounge@cityu.edu.hk