The Global Research Assistant Professors Scheme (the Scheme) is a pioneering initiative at the City University of Hong Kong (CityUHK) that is dedicated to cultivating and empowering promising early-career researchers. Its primary objectives are to foster a vibrant academic environment that encourages innovative research directions and interdisciplinary collaborations, while also establishing a robust global network. Through the Scheme, young scholars will be provided with valuable opportunities to advance their research endeavors by closely working with CityUHK faculty members and Distinguished Visiting Professors. By attracting outstanding early-career researchers from around the world, CityUHK aims to recognize and promote emerging research excellence, as well as forge dynamic partnerships that strengthen the University's position at the cutting edge of knowledge. As a catalyst for creative and impactful work, the Scheme aspires to benefit not only individual scholars but also the broader research community they join.
Exceptional young researcher who has recently obtained a PhD degree from a renowned international university or research institution, showcasing an exceptional capability in a research field that aligns with CityU's overarching research themes and strategic research goal, a remarkable track record in acquiring grants, publishing in prestigious journals or obtaining significant international patents.
CityUHK comprises of ten academic Colleges/Schools, including Biomedicine, Business, Creative Media, Computing, Energy and Environment, Engineering, Science, Law, Liberal Arts and Social Sciences, and Veterinary Medicine and Life Sciences. Our curricula are designed to promote knowledge creation, original discoveries and innovative thinking by integrating teaching and research at all levels.
CityU established 23 Research Institutes/Centres and 10 Applied Strategic Development Centres covering different areas of strategic importance.
With the approval from the Ministry of Science and Technology of China, CityU established 2 State Key Laboratories and 1 Chinese National Engineering Research Center.
The Global Research Assistant Professors Scheme is managed by the Office of the Vice-President (Talent and International Strategy).