
India in Transformation and Vision for Science

Date: 20 May 2016
Speaker: Dr K. Kasturirangan


From the present $2 trillion economy, India expects to become $8-10 trillion by 2030, based on a sustained GDP growth rate of 8%. Such an economic growth, with the attendant of rising aspirations implies effective use of modern Science and Technology. The talk will specifically focus on some of the present key drivers of Science and Technology. To sustain the pace of development, innovation becomes the driving force. The initiatives taken by the Government to create a full fledged innovation ecosystem will be discussed.

As a part of the pursuit of Basic Sciences, efforts are presently on for expanding and deepening of Basic Sciences Centres on teaching and research in educational institutions. Regarding societal development and the role of S&T, energy, water management, farm production, medical research, waste disposal, healthcare, computing & communications, cyber security and a host of such areas are receiving attention on a priority basis. Besides research in use of S&T for finding solutions to the problems posed by these areas, new and innovative institutional mechanisms for realising the final goals and their impact will also be discussed. The talk also will broadly look at the role of S&T for Wealth creation, National security, Globalising R&D and similar linkages. As a new dimension to India’s S&T endeavour, some of the recent highlights of a few Mega S&T indicators will be mentioned.

As an example of a National Scientific endeavour involving multiple dimensions of an organizational system providing tangible outcomes, we briefly describe India’s Space Program. India’s Space efforts encompass development of technology, creation of applications base, encouraging scientific research, fostering international relations besides bringing in new demands on National industries and generation of commercial opportunities, both in India and abroad.

Speaker Bio

Dr K. Kasturirangan

Chancellor of Jawaharlal Nehru University
Satish Dhawan Chair for Engineering Eminence of Indian National Academy of Engineering

Dr K. Kasturirangan is the Chancellor of Jawaharlal Nehru University and holds the Satish Dhawan Chair for Engineering Eminence of Indian National Academy of Engineering. He served as Chairman of ISRO for nearly a decade, Member of Upper House of the Indian Parliament, and Member of the erstwhile Planning Commission. His interests include astrophysics, space technology and science policies.

He is a Fellow of different Scientific Academies of India, The World Academy of Sciences & Cardiff University, an Academician of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences and Member of the International Academy of Astronautics.

Among the awards, he has won the Brock Medal (ISPRS), Allan D Emil Memorial Award (IAF), Theodore Von Karman Award (IAA); besides three highest Civilian Honours of India and ‘Officer of the Legion d’honneur’ of the French Republic


