
The Multi-cultural World and Future of Chinese Culture

Date: 09 October 2014
Speaker: 袁明教授
Prof. Yuan Ming
Prof. Wang Anyi
Prof. Zhang Qicheng

Speaker Bio

Prof. Yuan Ming
Prof. Wang Anyi
Prof. Zhang Qicheng

Professor Yuan Ming:
Professor of the School of International Studies
Director of the Center for American Studies
Peking University

Professor Wang Anyi:
Vice-Chairman of Chinese Writers Association
Professor, Fudan University

Professor Zhang Qicheng:
Dean of the School of Chinese Classic Beijing University of Chinese Medicine


主要編著及著作: 《中美關係史上沉重的一頁》、《跨世紀的挑戰:中國國際關係學科的發展》、《國際關係史》。 主講的“近代國際關係史” 於2004年被教育部評為國家精品課程。

Professor Yuan Ming teaches the History of International Relations and Western Classics of International Relations at Peking University. She is also the Professor of the School of International Relations Studies and Director of the Center for American Studies at Peking University.

She was a visiting scholar at the U.C. Berkeley from 1983 to 1985 and a senior associate member at the St. Antony’s College in Oxford University from 1989 to 1990. Since 1995, she was invited and did research at the Carter Center in Atlanta, Georgia, the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and the Brookings Institution in Washington D.C. She has written many books and journals.

Her publication including: A History of International Relations (1648-1989); Cross Century Assignment: the International Relations Studies in China; Sino-American Relations (1945-1955); Golden Age of U.S.-China-Japan Relations (1972-1989).

Professor Yuan was a member of CPPCC (Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference) from 1998 to 2012 and also a member of its Foreign Relations Committee. In 2004, she joined the International Advisory Board of the Council on Foreign Relations in New York. In 2007, she joined the Board of the United Nations Foundation.

王安憶,中國當代文學女作家,生於南京於上海長大。1978年於上海中國福利會《兒童時代》雜誌社任編輯,1980年加入中國作家協會第五期文學講習所學習;1983年參加美國愛荷華大學“國際寫作計畫”;1987年應聘上海作家協會專業作家;2004年起受聘為復旦大學中文系教授;2002年受聘為臺北市駐市作家;2005年受聘為香港嶺南大學駐校作家;2007年參加英國劍橋大學第三十屆 “當代文學研討”。


Professor Wang Anyi is one of the most influential and innovative contemporary writers in China. She was born in Nanjing and raised in Shanghai. In 1978, she worked as an editor of the magazine

. In 1980 she received additional training from China Writers Association, and her fiction achieved national prominence, winning literary award in China. She began her career as a writer in 1977 and came to prominence in the 1980s with a series of short stories and novellas on the themes of love, especially from a woman’s perspective and life in the countryside. Some of her works have been translated to different languages, such as English, French, German, Italian, Korean, Thai, etc. Her most famous novel, The Song of Everlasting Sorrow (《長恨歌》) has won in the 4th Shanghai Literary and Art Award and 5th Mao Dun Literature Prize.

Professor Wang is currently the Vice-Chairman of Chinese Writers Association; Chairman of Shanghai Writers Association and is a professor of Chinese literature at Fudan University.

張其成教授,著名國學專家,養生專家,文人書法家。全國政協委員。1959年出生於國家級非物質文化遺產 “張一帖” 醫學世家,北京大學哲學博士。 現任北京中醫藥大學國學院院長、中醫文化研究院院長、教授、博士生導師,國際易學聯合會副會長,中國自然辯證法研究會易學與科學委員會理事長,中華中醫藥學會中醫藥文化分會名譽主任委員,張其成國學基金發起人。主要著作:《張其成講讀周易》系列(《易道主幹》《易圖探秘》《象數易學》《易經感悟》《易學與中醫》《周易人生智慧》);《張其成全解五經》系列(《全解周易》《全解道德經》《全解論語》《全解六祖壇經》《全解黃帝內經》); 《張其成養生大道》系列(《黃帝內經養生大道》《易經養生大道》《道家養生大道》《佛家養生大道》《儒家養生大道》)。

Professor Zhang Qicheng, a renowned Chinese culture expert, health expert, noted for studies of Chinese calligraphy and Chinese medical culture. He is a Professor and Dean of the School of Chinese Classic at the Beijing University of Chinese Medicine. He has written many books on the Chinese heritage of life nurturing. The publication books mainly include a series of books of Zhang Qicheng’s Explanation of The Book of Change Zhang Qicheng’s Explanation of Huangdi’s Internal Classic Chinese Wisdom of Life Nurturing Philosophy of Chinese Medicine and so on.

Professor Zhang received his Master of Medicine at Beijing University of Chinese Medicine in 1988. He further obtained his Ph.D. from Peking University in 1997 and Post Doctorate at Beijing University of Chinese Medicine in 1999. He took up the position as a Lecturer and Associate Professor at Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine from 1988 to 1994. He has been the Professor of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine since 1999.

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Video (Eng)

