
The Eslite Experience - A Personal Perspective

Date: 24 September 2014
Speaker: 吳清友先生
Mr Robert C.Y. Wu

Speaker Bio

Mr Robert C.Y. Wu

Founder and Chairman of Eslite Corporation

誠品集團董事長吳清友,1950年出生於臺灣;1972年畢業於臺北工專機械科 (今臺北科技大學)。早年從事旅館及醫院專業設備的銷售經營;1989年創辦誠品書店,以人文、藝術、創意、生活為核心理念,透過獨特創新的營運模式,如24小時不打烊的書店、連鎖不複製的複合式經營等,打造出獨樹一格的誠品文化,進而受到國際間諸多肯定。包括:1998年臺灣天下雜誌推崇為【影響200.飛越2000】人物;2003年北京中國圖書商報列為【2003兩岸最值得關注產業人物】;2006年受邀接受Discovery頻道【臺灣人物誌】長達45分鐘的節目專題報導;2011年獲香港設計中心 (HKDC) 頒發【設計領袖大獎】。吳清友先生帶領誠品團隊,期待改變並影響臺灣民眾閱讀與生活模式,創造臺灣獨一無二的文化地標與人文風景。

Mr Robert C.Y. Wu, was born on the island of Taiwan in 1950. In 1972, he graduated from the Provincial Taipei Institute of Technology (now National Taipei University of Technology). After graduation, he worked as a sales manager, selling industrial grade equipment to hotels and hospitals. In 1989, Mr Wu founded Eslite Bookstore, which he centered on a concept that encompassed the humanities, the arts, creativity and life. Through a uniquely creative operation model, which included the opening of a 24 hr bookstore, as well as a composite business model that ensured that no two branches were alike, Eslite’s unique culture was born. This brand of culture, as created by Mr Robert Wu, would go on to receive international approval. In 1998, he was among those included in Common Wealth Magazine’s special issue: “Influential 200 in 2000.” In 2003, he was again mentioned in Chinese Book Business Reports special report: “Figures most worth watching across the Taiwan Strait.” In 2006, he was invited to feature in a 45 minute program by Discovery Channel entitled Portraits: Taiwan. In 2011, he received the Design & Leadership Award, presented by the Hong Kong Design Centre. While leading Eslite to create a unique cultural landmark and landscape, Mr Wu and his team have thoroughly changed the lifestyle and reading habits of the Taiwanese public.

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