
王道的世紀——永續發展 只欠東風 The Rule-by-Virtue Century——The Missing Element for Sustainable Development

Date: 07 March 2014
Speaker: 劉兆玄博士 Dr Liu Chao-shiuan


王道的世紀─永續發展 只欠東風 The Rule-by-Virtue Century— The Missing Element for Sustainable Development 「永續發展」的論述欠缺了「王道文化」 二十多年來:「經濟」與「環境」的平衡發展有進展,「社會正義」無論國內或國際皆遇瓶頸 「文化」是「永續發展」的第四根支柱或基石?

Wang Dao is the missing element for “Sustainable Development” In the last 20 years, development of social justice encounters its limit while the equilibrium of environmental and economic growth is attained with considerable progress Is “culture” the fourth pillar or the structure of “Sustainable Development”? What can Wang Dao help contribute to Sustainable Development?

Speaker Bio

Dr Liu Chao-shiuan

Chairman of the General Association of Chinese Culture

劉博士畢業於台灣大學化學系,並獲加拿大多倫多大學化學博士。1987年擔任台灣清華大學校長,使清華大學從理工為主轉型為綜合型大學,在理、工、文等領域成為教育部學術獎章及國科會傑出研究獎獲獎最頻繁的大學;2004年任東吳大學校長,將東吳大學發展成一流的教學大學。生涯中曾數度接受政府借調,擔任台灣重要掌舵員— 國科會主委、交通部部長及行政院副院長,2008年出任行政院院長。2009年獲頒政府最高榮譽的「中正勳章」。目前擔任中華文化總會會長,積極推動國際文化交流及台灣本土文化紮根,並多次於海內外宣揚具台灣特色之中華文化及王道思想。

Dr Liu Chao-shiuan received his Bachelor degree from National Taiwan University and a Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry from University of Toronto in Canada. He served as President of National Tsing Hua University from 1987 to 1993. In 2004, he took up the position of President of Soochow University. Dr Liu was on secondment to various positions in the Taiwan government, including Chairman of National Science Council; Minister of Transportation and Communication and Vice Premier of Executive Yuan of Taiwan. In 2008, he served as Premier of Executive Yuan of Taiwan. In 2009, he received the highest honor “Order of Chiang Chung-Cheng with Grand Cordon” from the Taiwan government. He is currently Chairman of the General Association of Chinese Culture, actively promoting international cultural exchange, Taiwan culture and Wang Dao philosophy.

Video (Chi)

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