
The Nano-Gold rush

Date: 12 June 2012
Speaker: Prof. Jochen Feldmann


The potential of noble metal nanostructures for various optical phenomena such as “enhancing electric fields locally” has been known for a long time but experienced low attention until the end of the last century. Since then research on noble metal nanostructures has seen a stunning development. Advances in novel top-down and bottom-up strategies for nanoscale fabrication, single molecule detection, enhanced interdisciplinarity and most importantly pioneering experimental and theoretical contributions have led to a scientific“nano-gold rush”. As a result, plasmonic applications of noble metal nanostructures can now be seen in all kinds of research and technology fields ranging from optoelectronics to biomedical technologies.

Speaker Bio

Prof. Jochen Feldmann

Chair Professor of Photonics and Optoelectronics
Director of Nanosystems Initiative Munich

Professor Jochen Feldmann is a renowned researcher in the field of optics with nanomaterials. Pioneering scientific contributions include first experimental demonstrations of (i) Bloch Oscillations in semiconductor superlattices, (ii) of a bendable optically pumped polymer laser, (iii) of recording light scattering spectra from individual gold nanoparticles, (iv) of a single gold nanoparticle biosensor and (v) recently of laser printing and listening with single gold nanoparticles. Professor Feldmann has published more than 250 papers having been cited more than 10,000 times. He worked at AT&T Bell Laboratories (USA) as a post-doc and as a visiting fellow at JILA (Boulder, USA) and currently at University of California, Los Angeles (USA). He received numerous awards such as the Gottfried-Wilhelm-Leibniz Award from the German Science Foundation and an Advanced Investigator Grant from the European Research Council. As Vice-President for Research at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (2005 – 2007) and as Director of the German Excellence Cluster “Nanosystems Initiative Munich” (since 2007) he has assumed responsibility for coordinating large scientific institutions.


