Professor May TSE

Clinical Assistant Professor

Office: Room 310, 3/F, Block 1B, To Yuen Building
Tel. no.: +852 3442-7279
Web: CityU Scholars
Prof. May TSE


Prof. May TSE was born and grew up in Hong Kong. She studied in the University of Edinburgh and worked at the Hong Kong Government veterinary laboratory after graduated. May developed her interest in anatomic pathology while working in the veterinary laboratory. She was offered the training opportunity by City University of Hong Kong as a resident in anatomic pathology in Cornell University. After finishing the training and got boarded, May joined the CityU Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory in 2018. She has board collaborative research interests including exotics, neoplasia, and fungal infection. During her off time, she enjoys hiking, reading, movies, museums and exhibitions, and travelling. Her favorite animal is her pet cat Aslan, who was adopted in Ithaca.