John Maeda - Designing the Future

Author / Editor
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In 2022, John Maeda was awarded an Honorary Doctor of Engineering from the City University of Hong Kong. It was just one of many honors he has received in a multifaceted career encompassing art, science, business, and education in prestigious locales including the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Rhode Island School of Design, and Silicon Valley. Dr Maeda has published several books on topics like simplicity and artificial intelligence, and he frequently shares his observations about design, technology, leadership, and more as a guest speaker and key opinion leader.

As part of the CityU Legacy Series, this book is the first to tell Dr Maeda’s unique life story as a comprehensive narrative, from his parents’ tofu factory in Seattle to his time as a student, professor, university president, venture capitalist, and beyond. Readers will discover Dr Maeda’s greatest successes and favorite failures on his journey from humble beginnings as a first-generation American to an influencer on the international stage. His story will be an inspiration for students and leaders at CityUHK, as well as fellow artists, designers, educators, and business people around the world.

John Maeda continues to inspire and transform by reminding us that while technology has the potential to simplify, it can just as easily complicate.
Paola AntonelliSenior Curator, Architecture & Design
Director, Research & Development
The Museum of Modern Art

My hope is that other people can benefit from John’s perspectives and ideas in the same way I have.
Kevin Bethune
Author, Reimagining Design: Unlocking
Strategic Innovation

The magic in Maeda is a deep and seemingly effortless merger of the practice and theory of both art and technology.
Nicholas Negroponte
Co-founder, MIT Media Lab
Pub. Date
Jul 17, 2024
232 pages
215 x 150 mm

Kenneth Lo

The mission of education has always been the preservation and dissemination of knowledge, a profound responsibility that our society holds dearly. Universities, often referred to as “ivory towers,” are seen as the pinnacle of this mission. Yet, the scholars within these towers, engrossed in their research and exploration of knowledge, can sometimes seem distant or unapproachable to those outside academic circles. Even internationally renowned scholars are often known only as names printed on academic works, their true identities obscured by the weight of their scholarly authority.
City University of Hong Kong (CityUHK, formerly City Polytechnic of Hong Kong, which officially became a university in 1994) moved to its permanent campus on Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon Tong in 1989. It stands in the heart of the community, fostering connections with the world. For our professors and scholars at CityUHK, imparting knowledge and inspiring the imagination and creativity of young minds is not just an academic pursuit, but a practical mission. Scholars, despite their titles, are human beings with their own unique experiences and stories. In 2021, CityU Press initiated the Legacy Series, featuring a collection of interviews with outstanding senior CityUHK scholars and distinguished academics who have made significant contributions in their fields. This series aims to humanize these scholars, presenting their personal journeys, experiences, and educational lives to the world.
Each scholar featured in this series has a unique personality and experiences, and may have encountered hardships or faced challenges. They share a common thread—a passion for academic research and a spirit of perseverance. Though they each have their own distinct characteristics and insights, they are all committed to promoting academics. Their shared goal is to cultivate the next generation of students, embodying the spirit of “dedication and community” that is central to CityUHK’s motto.
It is worth mentioning that, from the beginning, the Legacy Series has been a testament to CityUHK’s commitment to teaching and learning. Supported by teaching and learning funds from the Talent and Education Development Office (TED, formerly known as the Education Development and Gateway Education Office), this series has involved CityUHK students in nearly every step of the publishing process. This includes assisting in inviting scholars, observing writers during data collection, preparing for interviews, visiting scholars, transcribing interview recordings into text, and final proofreading. This hands-on experience has added a deeper layer of meaning to the
series, aligning with TED’s mission to support teaching and learning, cultivate outstanding students, and inspire innovative abilities.
CityUHK fosters an open learning and research environment, encouraging scholars to develop their academic expertise and share their knowledge with students. Beyond providing the public with an understanding of academic life, I have another aspiration for the Legacy Series. I hope that young students, whether they areinterested in academic research or entering a specific field, can learn from these scholars’ stories. My aim is for students to feel inspired and encouraged, not intimidated or doubtful. These scholars with outstanding academic achievements are not out of reach. They have paved academic pathways, showing that with hard work and perseverance, every student can embark on a journey towards higher and further academic research.
I extend my deepest gratitude to my fellow CityUHK scholars who have shared their experiences in this series. Their outstanding research and academic careers have not only resulted in individual educational achievements, but have also significantly contributed to society. Their work leaves an indelible influence on young researchers, both today and in the future.
Whether you are a teacher or student at CityUHK, or a member of the general public, I sincerely invite you to read these stories of CityUHK scholars. As you trace their personal paths of learning and thinking, you will uncover the historical periods and places they have traversed, and the people and events they have encountered. This series is not just a record of individual life courses, but a chronicle of an entire generation.
Kenneth Kam-Wing Lo
Director, Talent and Education Development Office
Chair Professor, Department of Chemistry
City University of Hong Kong


  1. Art, Math, and Empowering Allies
  2. Professor at MIT
  3. From Professor to President
  4. A Fresh Start in Silicon Valley
  5. Beyond Silicon Valley

John Maeda, an American technologist, is currently the vice president of engineering and head of computational design / AI platform at Microsoft. With a background in computer science and engineering at MIT, he was an early leader in generative art and computational design. He has staged solo exhibitions of his work in Japan and Europe, and is represented in the permanent collection of the Museum of Modern Art. The author of six books, he has appeared as a speaker around the world. He is the recipient of numerous awards, including the US White House’s National Design Award, and four honorary doctorates.