Daughters of China: Sketches of Domestic Life in the Celestial Empire

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“The present course of our existence is made up of lights and shadows, storm and sunshine; this appears in life abroad as well as in our native land.”

The life of a missionary living in China in the mid-1800s was filled with tribulations and excitement. This dichotomy is at the forefront of this book by Eliza J. Gillet Bridgman. Beginning in 1844 with a description of her journey to Hong Kong with a company of other missionaries, Bridgman goes on to detail the events of the next seven and a half years. She married Dr Elijah Bridgman in 1845, an event that she says “did not change my purpose of being useful to Chinese girls, [but] did ... affect a change in my destination”—the first of which was Canton, where they stayed for two years before moving on to Shanghai. The couple was prominent in the missionary world, and many well-known characters are mentioned in the text, including Walter Medhurst, William Lockhart, Charles Gutzlaff, and others. Like many missionaries, she sought to learn the language to better connect with the local Chinese to convert them to Christianity.

Bridgman’s writing is reflective of the no nonsense attitude of many missionaries and incorporates excerpts of her early journal entries. Most importantly, the book includes a description of the events surrounding the establishment of a Chinese girls’ school in Shanghai in 1850, including specific details from their first year in operation. While she comments on the fortunes and status of women and girls in China, she also reflects on broader issues affecting the local population as well as the often hostile sentiments felt towards foreigners. Through her eyes, readers catch a glimpse of what missionary life was like, including accounts of various temples and festivals (which she and most missionaries described as “pagan rituals” conducted by “heathen”), their living quarters, and interactions with friends and students.

Pub. Date
Feb 9, 2024
270 pages
140 x 216 mm
This book is part of the Orient Explorer Collection: Women Writers, a project focused on reprinting books about China and the Orient from earlier eras to reignite interest and explore how they relate to the region today.

Eliza Jane Gillett Bridgman (1805–1871) was born in Derby, Connecticut. After the death of her widowed mother, she applied to the Board of Missions with the Protestant Episcopal Church and was appointed as a missionary teacher. In December 1844, she sailed to China via Hong Kong, and soon met Elijah Coleman Bridgman who believed she was God’s answer to his prayers for a wife. The two married in 1845, and she began missionary work with her husband in Guangzhou. In 1847, they moved to Shanghai. Three years later, she founded Bridgman Memorial School for Girls, which was the first girls’ school in China. She managed the school until 1862, when she was forced to take a furlough in America due to her declining health following her husband’s death. Her school was then transferred to the Presbyterian Mission. She returned to Peking (now also known as Beijing) in 1864 and opened the Bridgman Academy in honour of her husband. Starting again from scratch, she gathered pupils and secured funds, much of which she generously donated herself. The Academy later became the Woman’s College of Yenching University and is attributed with the education of many female leaders. After only four years, her health again forced a move back to Shanghai. Bridgman died in Shanghai in 1871 at the age of 66 and is buried there next to her husband.