Atlas of Maritime Buddhism

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The catalogue Atlas of Maritime Buddhism accompanies cutting-edge exhibition tracing the religion’s development along the Maritime route from India across Asia. Both the catalogue and the exhibition provide a dazzling visual immersion into major historic Buddhist sites. The catalogue documents through high resolution panoramic images the integration of virtual scenography, 3D stereoscopic visualizations, and physical sculptures in the actual exhibitions. In this manner, the Atlas of Maritime Buddhism presents a new approach to museology. The catalogue offers an in-depth visual journey of Buddhist art and architecture in its richly varied forms, as it flourished across Southeast Asia and China. The Atlas of Maritime Buddhism is a crucial reminder of the continued importance of the Silk Road, which stimulated economic, social, and cultural development across Asia, today revived in the Belt and Road initiative. Professor Jeffrey Shaw, Chair Professor of Media Art at CityU, and Professor Sarah Kenderdine, Professor of Digital Museology at the École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne, are responsible for the original concept of the exhibition, and for the catalogue were joined by Dr. Marnie Feneley, Honorary Lecturer, University of New South Wales, Sydney, in realizing this ambitious project, initially developed at the Fo Guang Shan Buddha Museum, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.

海線佛教地圖集展覽,源自佛教海線絲鯛之路常設展覽,後者由莎拉·肯德丁教授(洛桑聯邦理工學院)與邵志飛教授(香港城市大學)共同為台灣佛光山佛陀紀念館構思與策劃,於2021年5月16 日開幕。佛光山一直推廣人間佛教,其歷史源遠流長,體現了精神價值與全球貿易之間的共生關係,此關係在海上貿易路線(公元前二世紀至公元十四世紀)的歷史尤為明顯,亦是本展覽的重心。本展覽通過壯麗的全景與半球形投影,展示從印度到中國的佛教建建築、藝術、學術和實踐。同時,展覽的創作人亦開發一系列多媒體技術和創新設計,為求讓觀眾接觸佛教豐富的文化遺產,以及理解佛教文化如何遇見、注入並敵發不同亞洲文化。透過與形形色色的民族和歷史互動,佛教的文化表達形式亦變得更為豐富。肯德丁教授與邵志飛教授以數年時間,穿梭亞洲各地,運用全景3D攝影、球形VR攝影和攝影測量的專用設備,紀錄豐富的文化資產,而在本此史無前例的展覽中,更加印證了這一點。創作者深深感謝如常法師(佛光山佛陀紀念館)與蘭卡斯特教授(電子文化地圖計劃)提供這次寶貴機會。
Pub. Date
Jul 1, 2021
248 pages
290 x 250 mm
Venerable Ru Chang
Director, Fo Guang Shan Buddha Museum, Kaohsiung, Taiwan

For most people, the term “Silk Road” refers to a network of overland trade routes connecting East and West, starting from Chang’an, in the east of Mainland China and running all the way to the Hexi Corridor in the northwest. It is generally much less known that the term “Silk Road” refers to both overland and maritime routes. These two routes extend far beyond our imagination and are not only important as historical trade routes, but also assist us greatly in our understanding of how Buddhism spread.

The maritime silk road did not leave a large number of heritage sites, unlike the overland silk road which left behind the famous Mogao Caves in Dunhuang for example. Therefore, as time went by, the maritime silk road was inevitably forgotten.

From the late 20th century on, however, more and more Buddhist scholars realized that the maritime silk road was no less important than the overland silk road, as they came to understand the spread of Buddhism from India to Mainland China. The maritime silk road has attracted a lot of attention in recent years and many international scholars are currently engaged in cooperative research. In 2011, before the opening of the Fo Guang Shan Buddha Museum, Venerable Master Hsing Yun expressed his deep desire to use technology in presenting multiple, permanent exhibitions at the museum. As a result, multiple galleries have been designed using interactive technology and multimedia. Examples include the Museum of Buddhist Festivals and the Life of the Buddha Museum.

These permanent exhibitions have become some of our most popular attractions, which have inspired museology scholars as well as the academic community from around the world. In 2021, the Buddha Museum will present the Buddhist Maritime Silk Road—New Media Art Exhibition. We will once again apply digital technology and new media to present the most recent discoveries of this maritime silk road. For this exhibition, we cordially invited: Professor Jeffrey Shaw, a visual artist and leading figure in new media and art, currently Chair Professor of Media Art at the City University of Hong Kong; Dr. Lewis R. Lancaster, a Buddhist scholar and Emeritus Professor at the University of California, Berkeley, USA; and Professor Sarah Kenderdine, Professor of Digital Museology at the École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland, to collaborate with us. This curatorial team of multinational researchers and academics as well as experts in archeology, digital imaging and media has created a groundbreaking presentation. It promises to set a new trend that will change exhibitions in museums, academia and even the Buddhist world!

2011 年,佛光山佛陀紀念館在開館前,創辦人 星雲大師即指導,希望多使用科技與人互動。因此在佛館常設展中的「佛教節慶」、「佛陀一生」等便加入科技與多媒體的互動裝置,結合科技的展示手法,果然成為最具效益與最受歡迎的展館,進而使博物館界與學術界紛紛探討。
2021 年,於佛陀紀念館舉辦的「佛教海線絲綢之路 ─ 新媒體藝術特展」,我們將再次以數位科技結合新媒體的應用,帶大家重新認識這條佛教海上絲路。本次展出,特別邀請國際知名佛教學者,美國加州大學柏克萊分校榮譽教授蘭卡斯特先生、新媒體藝術先鋒香港城市大學邵志飛教授以及瑞士洛桑聯邦理工學院數位博物館學莎拉肯德丁教授,由我們四人共同策展。這次展覽不僅是佛教界的創舉,也是這項結合跨國學術研究、考古、數位影像、數位媒體等組成的策展團隊首次的成果展現,勢必將在博物館、學術界乃至佛教界再次掀起一股熱潮!

為讓觀眾對海線絲路有更進一步了解,策展團隊特地前往印度、 斯里蘭卡、緬甸、印尼、中國大陸、日本、韓國及台灣等亞洲佛教國度實地拍攝,希望透過展覽將佛教數位文化遺產的保存與展示提供典範,是佛教海上傳播的一次完整梳理,兼具文化、教育、歷史、 藝術與學術性。
星雲大師曾說:「現今社會成長迅速,科技發展一日千里, 『與時俱進』成為順應時代潮流的必然趨勢。」因此,佛光山相當重視數位科技、新媒體弘法等應用。因為有佛教的傳播與研究, 讓絲綢之路在幾千年後,不僅沒有淹沒在黃沙滾滾的大漠中,也沒有被波濤洶湧的巨浪所吞噬,更讓人類的文明發展與珍貴歷史得以保存。因此,弘法科技化,既非時尚亦非追隨流行,而是希望保存佛教歷史,透過研究與傳播,讓文化得以保存,這正是本次展覽重要的價值與意義,更是佛館在公共教育上的使命。


前言  Preface

簡介  Introduction

海上佛教記敍  Narratives of Maritime Buddhism

海上佛教地圖研究項目 — 莎拉· 肯德丁 The Atlas of Maritime Buddhism Research Project — Sarah Kenderdine

佛教文化交流 — 范娜驪  Buddhist Cultural Exchange — Marnie Feneley

佛教藝術品 — 范娜驪  Buddhist Artworks — Marnie Feneley

佛教遺址索引  Index of Buddhist sites

嗚謝  Credits


Marnie Feneley

Dr Marnie Feneley is an artist and art historian specialising in Asian Art History and religion. She works within Galleries and Museums on digital conservation, exhibition design and curates immersive interaction projects. Dr Feneley is interested in advancing knowledge about the history of religious and cultural transmission along the early trade routes of Asia. She uses immersive visualisation and experimental digital technologies for the preservation and interpretation of important cultural heritage sites, and sculpture. Her research includes in-depth studies on the art and archaeology of Buddhist and Brahmanic sites and sculptures exploring the maritime transmission of religion and culture from India to China in the early centuries CE.  She is currently Honorary Lecturer in Asian Studies at University of New South Wales (UNSW) and was a postdoctoral research fellow at the Laboratory for Innovation in Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums: Atlas of Maritime Buddhism, UNSW.


Sarah Kenderdine

Professor Sarah Kenderdine researches at the forefront of interactive and immersive experiences for galleries, libraries, archives and museums. In widely exhibited installation works, she has amalgamated cultural heritage with new media art practice, especially in the realms of interactive cinema, augmented reality and embodied narrative. She is considered a pioneer in the field digital heritage, digital museology, digital humanities and data visualisation and is a regular keynote speaker at related forums internationally. In addition to her exhibition work she conceives and designs large-scale immersive visualisation systems for public audiences, industry and researchers.


Jeffrey Shaw

Professor Jeffrey Shaw has been a leading figure in New Media Art since the 1960s. In a prolific body of widely exhibited and critically acclaimed works, he has pioneered and set benchmarks for the creative use of digital media technologies in the fields of virtual and augmented reality, immersive visualization environments, digital cultural heritage and interactive narrative.  Prof. Shaw was the founding director of the ZKM Institute for Visual Media Karlsruhe, Germany (1991-2002) and from 2009 to 2016 was Dean of the School of Creative Media at CityU, where he is currently Yeung Kin Man Chair Professor of Media Art and Director of the Centre for Applied Computing and Interactive Media at CityU.  Prof. Shaw’s numerous awards include the Australian Research Council Federation Fellowship, the Ars Electronica Golden Nica for Visionary Pioneer of Media Art, Linz, Austria, and the ACM Siggraph Distinguished Artist Award for Lifetime Achievement in Digital Art.