LC2611 - Culture and Society in Spanish-Speaking Countries

Offering Academic Unit
Chan Feng Men-ling Chan Shuk-lin Language Centre
Credit Units
Course Duration
One Semester
CLA2601 or LC2601 or LT2601 or CLA2606 or LC2606 or LT2606
Equivalent Course(s)
CLA2611 or CLA3611 or EN2865 or LT2611
Course Offering Term*:
Not offering in current academic year

* The offering term is subject to change without prior notice
Course Aims

This course aims at introducing the culture and society of Spain and the Spanish-speaking world to students through readings, films and class discussion. The course will be delivered in English. At first students will learn how the Spanish-speaking world has been shaped as an introductory background to discuss different aspects of the culture, history, art and society will be explain through a variety of sources: essays, films, music, videos and literature.

Assessment (Indicative only, please check the detailed course information)

Continuous Assessment: 100%
Detailed Course Information


Useful Links

Chan Feng Men-ling Chan Shuk-lin Language Centre