CB2240 - Introduction to Business Programming in Python

Offering Academic Unit
Department of Information Systems
Credit Units
Course Duration
One Semester
Equivalent Course(s)
Course Offering Term*:
Semester A 2024/25, Semester B 2024/25

* The offering term is subject to change without prior notice
Course Aims

This course will introduce fundamental programming concepts and applications in business services. The main topics include basic concepts of expressions, variables, functions, logic, and conditional statements. Python modules will be used to solve business problems through data analyses and visualizations. After completing the course, students will be able to write simple Python programs to solve real and practical problems in various business disciplines. As an introductory programming course, the concepts and skills will help students understand how information technologies (Python programming) facilitate data-driven decision-making processes in modern organizations. With the looming transformative impacts of AI and machine learning in areas such as auditing, FinTech, digital marketing, and supply chain 4.0, this introductory Python course will pave ways for all business students to pursue more advanced skills necessary to adapt to the changing labor market. Students wishing to advance their programming skills in Python and basic machine learning can take the advanced course of IS2240 Python Programming for Business.

Assessment (Indicative only, please check the detailed course information)

Continuous Assessment: 60%
Examination: 40%
Examination Duration: 2 hours
Detailed Course Information
