BME3121 - Biomedical Signals and Systems

Offering Academic Unit
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Credit Units
Course Duration
One Semester
Course Offering Term*:
Semester A 2024/25
Semester A 2025/26 (Tentative)

* The offering term is subject to change without prior notice
Course Aims

This course aims to expose students to representation, description, and characteristics of signals and systems, emphasizing on their application to solve biomedical problems. The biological nature of the living creatures allows for systems thinking to be applied to electrical, mechanical, fluid, chemical, thermal and even optical systems. Understanding of biological signals, such as breathing pattern, electrocardiogram (ECG), electromyographic signals, and biomedical images from ultrasound, MRIs and CT-Scans, are vital for biomedical engineering. The scope of the course covers linear time invariant systems in both continuous and discrete domain. Classical methods, including Fourier transforms, Laplace transforms, convolution, and frequency response are used to model and analyze biomedical signals and systems. Analytical approaches will be complemented by computational methods in Matlab, both in the form of tutorial and class projects.

Assessment (Indicative only, please check the detailed course information)

Continuous Assessment: 50%
Examination: 50%
Examination Duration: 2 hours

For a student to pass the course, at least 30% of the maximum mark for both coursework and examination should be obtained.

Detailed Course Information
