Expert Learners Seminar Series for undergraduates (ELSS)

The University Experience you have just started will be both challenging and fun. You will have more freedom than ever before but at the same time have more responsibility for your own learning. The Expert Learners Seminar Series (ELSS) is to help you achieve your academic potential.
ELSS is especially for year one undergraduates.

ELSS is offered as six online seminars. Successful completion of the series will earn students a CRESDA credit and an TED Certificate of Completion.  Registrants should complete the six weekly online seminars at their own pace and place, but must complete all six seminars by Week 10 of the semester to be eligible for a CRESDA and an TED Certificate of Completion.


Week 1 Online seminar Introduction to the seminar series and LASSI
Week 2 Online seminar LASSI results: What is attitude, why is it important for my studies, and how can I enhance it?
Week 3 Online seminar What is motivation, why is it important for my studies, and how can I improve it?
Week 4 Online seminar What are self-testing strategies, why are they important for my studies, and how can I cultivate them?
Week 5 Online seminar What are test-taking strategies, why are they important for my studies, and how can I develop them?
Week 6 Online seminar Summary and Conclusion to the seminar series
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