Advanced Tutor Series for Ph.D. Students

This series is to engage Ph.D. students in prominent topics in university teaching and guide them towards reflecting how they can apply that knowledge to their own teaching. Modules are available through Canvas as online videos of about 10-12 minutes each. Modules in the series include these topics:

Upon completion of this module, you should be able to:

  1. List the advantages of lectures in undergraduate education;
  2. Discuss factors in preparing an effective lecture;
  3. Apply an effective organizational framework to  lectures;
  4. Explain how a lecture can be delivered effectively.

Upon completion of this unit, you will be able to:

  1. Explain the benefits of discussions;
  2. Describe how teachers can prepare for and facilitate different types of discussions;
  3. Prepare students to take part in discussions;
  4. Reflect on how discussions can be used holistically in a course.

Upon completion of this unit, you should be able to:

  1. Describe models of reflective thinking and action research;
  2. Apply reflective thinking and action research to your own teaching;
  3. Document your professional development as a reflective teacher.

Upon completion of this unit, you should be able to:

  1. Schedule, launch, and end Zoom sessions for teaching and learning through Canvas for the course you teach on;
  2. Apply some Zoom features to Teaching and Learning Activities for the course you teach on;
  3. Perform simple formative assessment during your Zoom teaching sessions.

Upon completion of this unit, you should be able to:

  1. Build teaching and learning materials into a Canvas site for a course you are teaching on;
  2. Publish materials and manage various functions of the Canvas site;
  3. Perform basic assessment functions using Canvas.

Upon completion of this unit, you should be able to:

  1. List various online Library resources for learning and research;
  2. Access those resources for your continued academic development.

Modes of Completion

  1. Individual Module Completion
    Participants take a pre-quiz, work through the video materials, and take the post-quiz for a module. If they score at least 70% on the post-quiz for a given module, they get a digital badge and a Certificate of Completion for that module.

  2. Individual Module Completion (with Honours)

Participants take the pre-quiz, work through the video materials, and take the post- quiz for a module. In addition, they complete a written assignment for that module. If they score at least 70% on each post-quiz for a given module and submit a satisfactory written assignment for the module, they get a digital badge and a Certificate of Completion (with Honours) for that module.

Certificate will normally be issued at the beginning of January and beginning of July based on registrants' achievement.

Course Information

Target participants: Ph.D. Students
Study hours: ~1 – ~2 hours per module (depending on mode of completion chosen)
Course date*: Ongoing
Eligibility: Ph.D. students who have already taken SG8001
Module coordinator: Dr William CHEUNG
To Register: Please click here


*For the series, participant can enroll anytime during the semester but will have to complete the module (by submitting a reflective teaching portfolio related to the module)early June every year.