Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
  1. Can applicants apply the funding for postgraduate courses?
    No, with the funding source from the University Grants Committee (UGC), projects should demonstrate a positive Learning and Teaching impact on the UGC-funded undergraduate courses or students.

  2. What are the major differences of applying Teaching Development Grant (TDG) and Teaching Start-up Grant (TSG)?
    The funding ceiling is higher for the TDG and the TSG is tailormade for new full-time faculty or teaching staff who joined CityUHK within the past 24 months.

  3. Who are the technical reviewers for Virtual Teaching and Learning (VTL) element or harnessing Innovative and Breakthrough Technologies?
    The technical feasibility is assessed by professional staff at CityUHK.

  4. Which office is responsible for the Ethical Review?
    Applicants should refer to the Research Grants and Contracts Office’s (RO) webpage for details.

  5. How do applicants develop the recruitment plan?
    Applicants should refer to the Human Resources Office’s (HRO) webpage for recruitment details (e.g., appointment procedures, pay scale, qualification requirements, etc.).

  6. Is the purchase of software categorized as “General Expenses”?
    No, the Finance Office (FO) has a specific budget vote for “Software”. However, for the subscription of services (e.g., using the online platform provided by companies), the “General Expenses” budget vote will be used. Please consult the FO’s procurement colleagues or your departmental general office if you have questions. 

  7. Which types of staff can be recruited?
    In addition to research grade staff, student helpers and Ph.D. students (in terms of Studentship) are supported. The TDG Approval Panel agreed the use of the TDG budget for the deployment of research students in 2018-19 (initiated by the Chow Yei Ching School of Graduate Studies (SGS) followed by liaising with the FO), in the form of studentship with condition that the concerned research students shall work on the TSG/ TDG projects. Regarding the recruitment of research students and studentship arrangements, please refer to the SGS’s webpage for details.

  8. When does the PI start recruitment or purchase?
    The project implementation can start after the FO assigns a project account code.

  9.  Is it feasible for the PI to transfer the budget from the TDG/ TSG project to other project accounts managed by Principal-Investigators (PI) and/ or Co-Investigators (Co-Is)?
    Budget transfer among projects is not allowed.

  10. What happens to the on-going TDG/TSG project when the PI leaves CityUHK?
    PI should approach his/her Department Head/School Dean for a nomination and endorsement of a new PI and notify the TED Office in writing.