Gateway Education Programme Committee (GEPC)

Terms of Reference


The Gateway Education (GE) Programme Committee is to:

make recommendations to the Board of Undergraduate Studies (BUS) on the policy (e.g. criteria and procedure) for the GE programme in the University;
periodically review GE course proposals submitted by Colleges/Schools and relevant academic units in accordance with the criteria and procedure approved by BUS;
periodically review GE courses offered by the hosting academic units in accordance with the criteria and procedure approved by BUS;
periodically review overall GE programme in terms of the quality, coverage and currency of GE programme intended learning outcomes, GE course intended learning outcomes, teaching and learning activities, and assessment tasks in accordance with the criteria and procedure approved by BUS, and report to BUS;
make recommendations to BUS on the creation, revision, renewal and removal of GE courses, and changes to the GE programme intended learning outcomes, and the criteria and procedure for the review of GE course proposals, GE courses and the overall GE programme in the University;
provide guidance to Colleges/Schools and relevant academic units in review and revision of GE courses, GE course proposals and the overall GE programme in the University;
co-opt appropriate members to the Committee where necessary.


 The term of office of members is two years.