Teaching Talks - Informal Gatherings to Talk about Learning and Teaching

Teaching Talks - Informal Gatherings to Talk about Learning and Teaching

Ever wish there could be more relaxed occasions to gather with other enthusiastic teachers to talk about learning and teaching? The “Teaching Talks” series is exactly for that! To kick off the discussion, several colleagues have been invited to share their recent thoughts and experience in learning and teaching. Please come join us for the interactive environment, relaxing atmosphere, and more importantly, the stimulating chat with fellow colleagues on education! 

Date:  6 Feb 2024 (Tue)
Speakers:  Professor Esterina NERVINO of EN and MKT
 Dr. Calvin KEUNG Chung Wai of ACE
Moderator:  Professor TSUI Lik Hang of CAH

So glad to have vivid and inspiring discussions among passionate colleagues on adopting AI for education during our first gathering of the Teaching Talks series!

Stay tuned for our next gathering!

Event Photos