CityUHK Awardees


Professor Tsui Lik-hang
Department of Chinese and History


Joint University Mental-Wellness Project Team
Led by Professor Kwok Lai Yuk-ching Sylvia (Department of Social and Behavioural Sciences), with Professor Daniel Wong Fu-keung (Professor, Department of Social Work and Social Administration, The University of Hong Kong), Dr To Siu-ming (Associate Professor, Department of Social Work, The Chinese University of Hong Kong), Dr Pan Jiayan (Associate Professor, Department of Social Work, Hong Kong Baptist University) and Miss Loretta Leung Mee-kuen (Assistant Director of Student Affairs, Student Affairs Office, The Education University of Hong Kong) as team members


Discovery-enriched Curriculum Team
Represented by Professor Gary Feng (Associate Provost (Academic Planning and Undergraduate Education)) as team leader, with Professor Shuk Han Cheng, Professor Ron Kwok, Professor Linda Lai, and Dr Eva Lui as team members