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Dr. KHOO Bee Luan (邱美孌博士)

Postdoc (Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology)
PhD (National University of Singapore)
BS (Nanyang Technological University)

Associate Professor

Under 35 Technology Review (MIT)

CENG Outstanding Teaching Award

Contact Information

Office: G6617 YEUNG
Phone: 34429423
Email: blkhoo@cityu.edu.hk
Web: Personal Homepage

Research Interests

  • The development of Integrated Microsystems for Disease Detection
  • Improving patient treatment strategies and prognosis
  • How the tumor microenvironment affects cancer progression
Information on available positions below

Dr. Bee Luan Khoo is currently an Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering at the City University of Hong Kong (CityU). Dr. Khoo got her Ph.D. from the National University of Singapore, working on tumor models for prognosis evaluation. As a senior postdoctoral associate in the Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology, she developed microfluidic-based tools for rare cell detection.

Now Dr. Khoo's research group focuses on detecting, prognosis, and characterising disease heterogeneity using multidisciplinary techniques, including designing and utilising microfluidic devices for personalized disease management and evaluation. Dr. Khoo has authored more than 63 articles in top journals such as Nature, Materials Science & Engineering R, Energy & Environmental Science, Chemical Engineering Journal, Small, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, Science Advances, etc., and held at least 11 patents pending or granted.

Dr. Khoo was awarded the Young Investigator national grant award by the National Medical Research Council and the Young Investigator award to support projects in disease detection via the Interstellar Initiative, funded by the Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED) and the New York Academy of Sciences. Dr Khoo's team was awarded Gold and 2x Silver at the International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva (“IEIG”). She is the recipient of Innovators under 35 (Asia; MIT Technology Review) for her work on microfluidic devices with direct clinical relevance.

Apart from research, Dr Khoo and her team are also actively seeking opportunities to encourage young people to enter the field of biomedical engineering through the implementation of the Gifted and Talented Program schemes organized by the Education Bureau and received the CENG Outstanding Teaching Award for her efforts.

Key Areas:
1. The development of Integrated Biosensors for Disease Evaluation
(Bacterial targeted AIE photosensitizers synergistically promote chemotherapy for the treatment of inflammatory cancer. Chemical Engineering Journal 447, 137579)
(FlexiPulse: A machine-learning-enabled flexible pulse sensor for cardiovascular disease diagnostics, Cell Reports Physical Science 4.)
(Thin and soft Ti3C2Tx MXene sponge structure for highly sensitive pressure sensor assisted by deep learning, Chemical Engineering Journal 485, 149659)

2. Improving patient treatment strategies and prognosis
(Label-free biosensor of phagocytosis for diagnosing bacterial infections. Biosens Bioelectron 191, 113412. )
(A 6-gene panel as a signature to predict recovery from advanced heart failure using transcriptomic analysis. Genes & Diseases)
(AIEgen-deep: Deep learning of single AIEgen-imaging pattern for cancer cell discrimination and preclinical diagnosis, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 116086)

3. How the microenvironment affects disease progression
(The effects of biofilms on tumor progression in a 3D cancer-biofilm microfluidic model. Biosens Bioelectron 180, 113113.)
(Biofilm Potentiates Cancer-Promoting Effects of Tumor-Associated Macrophages in a 3D Multi-Faceted Tumor Model Small 453, Part 1, 28 p., 139595)

4. Integrated Microsystems
(A portable purification system for the rapid removal of microplastics from environmental samples. Chemical Engineering Journal 428, 132614.)
(A deformability-based biochip for precise label-free stratification of metastatic subtypes using deep learning, Microsystems & Nanoengineering 9 (1), 120)

We are currently accepting applications for several positions:

[1] PhD in various disciplines (Sept 2026 entry) - [a] tumor models (experienced in cell culture and characterisation), and [b] device design (experienced in illustrations and simulations)
[2] MPhil in various disciplines

Degree in Biomedical Engineering, Biology, Biomedical Sciences, or a closely related field;
• Expertise in any of the following areas: Disease models, microfluidics, point-of-care systems
• Previous experience in any of the areas of bioimaging, cell characterisatioand n, image analysis is highly desirable
• Hands-on experience with prototyping of biomedical systems/medical devices and physiological modeling is a plus.

Please get in touch with blkhoo@cityu.edu.hk or refer to our lab website for more details.

Awards and Achievements

  • Oct 2024 “Stanford's top 2% most highly cited scientists ” Stanford. (Single year).
  • 2024 “The International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva (“IEIG”)” Swiss Federal Government, the State, the City of Geneva and WIPO. Gold (collaborative project).
  • 2023 “Greater Bay Area STEM Excellence Award - Gold” (Tertiary). MicroSEN.
  • 2023 ““The International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva (“IEIG”)” ” Swiss Federal Government, the State, the City of Geneva and WIPO. Silver (MicroSEN, SpiralX).
  • 2023 “Tony B Award (R)” SLAS.
  • 2022 “CENG Outstanding Teaching Award” CityU.
  • 2022 “第五屆中國醫療器械創新創業大賽” 科技部社發司和中國生物技術發展中心.
  • 2022 “香港大學生創新及創業大賽 ” HKNGCA Innovation & Entrepreneurship Centre.
  • 2020 “Young Investigator Award” New York Academy of Science, AMED.
  • 2019 “Outstanding master-level dissertation ” CityU.
  • 2018 “TR35” MIT Tech Review.

Service in CityUHK

Teaching Service

  • 2022 - Now, BME2106 Intro to Cellular & Biomol Eng.
  • 2019 - Now, BME 8009 Research Methodology.
  • 2019 - Now, BME3101 --- Micro & Nanotech'y for Bio Eng .
  • 2019 - Now, BME6117 - Biomedical Safety and Risk Assessment.
  • 2019 - Now, GE1320 - Engineering Your Health.

Key Publication Highlights


Last update date : 13 Oct 2024