Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2005)
M.S., Tsinghua University (1999)
B.S., Huazhong University of Science and Technology (1997)
Professional Experience
Professor, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong (2022-Now)
Associate Professor, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong (2015-2022)
Assistant Professor, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (2010-2015)
Senior Engineer, Framatome (AREVA NP), Lynchburg, VA, USA (2005-2010)
Engineer, Nuclear and Radiation Safety Center, Chinese Ministry of the Environmental Protection, Beijing, China (1999-2001)
Awards and Achievements
- 2023 “Best Paper Award” International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP), Gyeongju, South Korea..
- 2022 “World's top 2% scientists list ” Stanford University.
- 2021 “The President's Awards” City University of Hong Kong.
- 2020 “Highly Cited Paper award” Applied Energy.
- 2017 “Outstanding Paper Award by Applied Energy ICAE2016” Applied Energy.
- 2016 “Student Paper Competition Award” 24th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering, Charlotte North Carolina , United States.
- 2014 “Best Paper Award” Progress in Nuclear Energy.
- 2012 “Best Team Supervisor” Design and Innovative Project Competition, Nanyang Technological University.
- 2009 “Corporate Recognition Award for Excellence” AREVA NP.
- 2004 “Best Teaching Assistant Award” Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering, MIT.
- Deng, Wei. & Zhao, Jiyun, etc. (2022). A molecular dynamics investigation of boiling heat transfer over wettability thermo-responsive surface. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 191.
- Khan, Shahid Ali. & Zhao, Jiyun, etc. (2022). Design of a new optimized U-shaped lightweight liquid-cooled battery thermal management system for electric vehicles: A machine learning approach. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer. 136.
- Chen, Jingtan. & Zhao, Jiyun, etc. (2022). Micro/nanoscale surface on enhancing the microchannel flow boiling performance: A Lattice Boltzmann simulation. Applied Thermal Engineering. 205.
- Lau, Kwun Ting. & Zhao, Jiyun, etc. (2022). Numerical investigation on deteriorated heat transfer of supercritical water flowing upward in tubes with variable cross-sectional geometries. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer. 136.
- Cai, Junjie. & Zhao, Jiyun, etc. (2022). The effects of thermal stratification on airborne transport within the urban roughness sublayer. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 184.
- Dong, Kejian. & Zhao, Jiyun, etc. (2022). Thermal-hydraulic analysis of wire-wrapped rod bundle in lead-based fast reactor with non-uniform heat flux. International Journal of Energy Research. doi:
- Cai, Junjie. & Zhao, Jiyun, etc. (2022). Towards efficient and sustaining condensation via hierarchical meshed surfaces: A 3D LBM study. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer. 132.
- Liu, Huaqiang. & Zhao, Jiyun, etc. (2021). A parametric study of a hybrid battery thermal management system that couples PCM/copper foam composite with helical liquid channel cooling. Energy. 231.
- Xie, S. & Zhao, Jiyun, etc. (2021). An experimental investigation on the pool boiling of multi-orientated hierarchical structured surfaces. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 164.
- Xia, F. & Zhao, Jiyun, etc. (2021). Dynamic cost analysis for disposal of low and intermediate level nuclear waste in China. Annals of Nuclear Energy. 154.
- Wei, Z. & Zhao, Jiyun, etc. (2021). Future smart battery and management: Advanced sensing from external to embedded multi-dimensional measurement. Journal of Power Sources. 489.
- Liu, Huaqiang. & Zhao, Jiyun, etc. (2021). Investigation of the effects of surface wettability and surface roughness on nanoscale boiling process using molecular dynamics simulation. Nuclear Engineering and Design. 282.
- Chen, J. & Zhao, Jiyun, etc. (2021). Latest progress on nanotechnology aided boiling heat transfer enhancement: A review. Energy. 215.
- Ahmad, S. & Zhao, Jiyun etc. (2021). Lattice Boltzmann study of nucleation site interaction and nucleate boiling heat transfer on a hybrid surface with multiple cavity-pillar structures. International Journal of Thermal Sciences. 163.
- Shi, Yu. & Zhao, Jiyun, etc. (2021). The optimization of state of charge and state of health estimation for lithium-ions battery using combined deep learning and Kalman filter methods. International Journal of Energy Research. 45.
- Rahman, M.M. & Zhao, Jiyun etc. (2020). Design concepts of supercritical water-cooled reactor (SCWR) and nuclear marine vessel: A review. Progress in Nuclear Energy. 124.
- Cai, Junjie. & Zhao, Jiyun etc. (2020). Investigation into the effect of upstream obstacles and hazardous sources on dispersion in the urban environment with LES model. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 390.
- Ahmad, S. & Zhao, Jiyun etc. (2020). Lattice Boltzmann study of bubble dynamics and heat transfer on a hybrid rough surface with a cavity-pillar structure. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer. 119.
- Liu, H. & Zhao, Jiyun etc. (2020). Molecular dynamics study of the nanoscale boiling heat transfer process on nanostructured surfaces. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer. 119.
- Cheng, H. & Zhao, Jiyun etc. (2020). Study on corium jet breakup and fragmentation in sodium with a GPU-accelerated color-gradient lattice Boltzmann solver. International Journal of Multiphase Flow. 126.
- Shangzhen, Xie. , Tong, Qing. , Zhao, Jiyun. & etc. (2020). The Effect of Surface Orientation, Heater Size, Wettability, and Subcooling on the Critical Heat Flux Enhancement in Pool Boiling. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 149C.
- Cai, Junjie. , lp, Kwai Fun. , Eze, Chika. , Zhao, Jiyun. , Cai, Jiejin. & Zhang, Han. (2019). Dispersion of radionuclides released by nuclear accident and dose assessment in the Greater Bay Area of China. Annals of Nuclear Energy. 132. 593 - 602.
- Cheng, H. , Zhao, Jiyun. & Wang, J. (2019). Experimental investigation on the characteristics of melt jet breakup in water: The importance of surface tension and Rayleigh-Plateau instability. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 132. 388 - 393.
- Liu, Huaqiang. , Qin, Xuying. , Ahmad, Shakeel. , Tong, Qing. & Zhao, Jiyun. (2019). Molecular dynamics study about the effects of random surface roughness on nanoscale boiling process. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 145.
- Eze, Chika. , Zhao, Jiyun. & etc(2019). Numerical study of effects of vortex generators on heat transfer deterioration of supercritical water upward flow. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 137. 489 - 505.
- Wei, Z. , Zhao, Jiyun. & etc. (2019). Online estimation of power capacity with noise effect attenuation for lithium-ion battery. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics. 66. 5724 - 5735.
- Shi, Y. , Eze, C. , Zhao, Jiyun. & etc. (2019). Recent development of membrane for vanadium redox flow battery applications: A review. Applied energy. 238. 202 - 224.
- Tang, Z. , Cai, J. , Li, Q. & Zhao, J. (2019). The regional scale atmospheric dispersion of radionuclide 131I: A simulation method based on WRF-Chem model. Radiation Physics and Chemistry. 156. 81 - 93.
- Wei, Z. , Zhao, Jiyun. & etc(2018). Comparative study of methods for integrated model identification and state of charge estimation of lithium-ion battery. Journal of Power Sources. 402. 189 - 197.
- Liu, H. , Zhao, Jiyun. & Eze, C. (2018). Investigation into the effectiveness of nanofluids on the mini-channel thermal management for high power lithium ion battery. Applied Thermal Engineering. 142. 511 - 523.
- Shahmohammadi Beni, M. , Zhao, Jiyun. & Yu, K.N. (2018). Investigation of droplet behaviors for spray cooling using level set method. Annals of Nuclear Energy. 113. 152 - 170.
- Xie, S. , Shahmohammadi Beni, M. , Cai, J. & Zhao, Jiyun. (2018). Review of critical-heat-flux enhancement methods. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 122. 275 - 289.
- Rowinski, M.K. , Zhao, Jiyun. , White, T.J. & Soh, Y.C. (2018). Safety analysis of Super-Critical Water Reactors–A review. Progress in Nuclear Energy. 106. 87 - 101.
- Ji, D. , Zhao, Jiyun. & etc(2018). Thermoelectric generation for waste heat recovery: Application of a system level design optimization approach via Taguchi method. Energy Conversion and Management. 172. 507 - 516.
- Wei, Zhongbao. , Zhao, Jiyun. , Ji, Dongxu. & Tseng, K.J. (2017). A multi-timescale estimator for battery state of charge and capacity dual estimation based on an online identified model. Applied Energy. 204. 1264 - 1274.
- Rowinski, M.K. , Zhao, Jiyun. , White, T.J. & Soh, Y.C. (2017). Numerical investigation of supercritical water flow in a vertical pipe under axially non-uniform heat flux. Progress in Nuclear Energy. 97. 11 - 25.
- Xiong, Binyu. , Zhao, Jiyun. , Su, Yixin. , Wei, Zhongbao. & Skyllas-Kazacos, Maria. (2017). State of Charge Estimation of Vanadium Redox Flow Battery Based on Sliding Mode Observer and Dynamic Model Including Capacity Fading Factor. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy. Vol. 8, Issue 4. 1658 - 1667.
- Cheng, Hui. , Zhao, Jiyun. & Rowinski, M.K. (2017). Study on two wall temperature peaks of supercritical fluid mixed convective heat transfer in circular tubes. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 113. 257 - 267.
- Liu, Huaqiang. , Wei, Zhongbao. , He, Weidong. & Zhao, Jiyun. (2017). Thermal issues about Li-ion batteries and recent progress in battery thermal management systems: A review. Energy Conversion and Management. 150. 304 - 330.
- Wu, J. , Zhao, Jiyun. , Lei, J. & Liu, B. (2016). Effectiveness of nanofluid on improving the performance of microchannel heat sink. Applied Thermal Engineering. 101. 402 - 412.
- Lv, W. , Niu, Y. , Jian, X. , Zhang, K.H.L. , Wang, W. , Zhao, J. , Wang, Z. , Yang, W. & He, W. (2016). Space matters: Li+ conduction versus strain effect at FePO4/LiFePO4 interface. Applied Physics Letters. Volume 108, Issue 8.
- Rahman, M.M. , Ji, D. , Beni, M.S. & Zhao, Jiyun. (2016). Supercritical water heat transfer for nuclear reactor applications: A review. Annals of Nuclear Energy. 97. 53 - 65.
- Zhang, Y. , Zhao, J. , Wang, P. , Skyllas-Kazacos, M. , Xiong, B. & Badrinarayanan, R. (2015). A comprehensive equivalent circuit model of all-vanadium redox flow battery for power system analysis. Journal of Power Sources. 290. 14 - 24.
- Wang, Tao. , Tseng, K.J. & Zhao, Jiyun. (2015). Development of efficient air-cooling strategies for lithium-ion battery module based on empirical heat source model. Applied Thermal Engineering. Volume 90. 521 - 529.
- Rahman, Mohammad Mizanur. , Beni, Mehrdad Shahmohammadi. , Gui, Jingkang. & Zhao, Jiyun. (2015). Hydraulic lift-off issues for application of high performance annular fuels in pressurized water reactors. Annals of Nuclear Energy. Vol. 85. 1018 - 1023.
- Rowinski, M. K. , White, T. J. & Zhao, J. (2015). Innovative model of annular fuel design for lead-cooled fast reactors. Progress in Nuclear Energy. 83. 270 - 282.
- Sakanova, A. , Chan, C. K. & Zhao, J. (2015). Performance Improvements of Microchannel Heat Sink Using Wavy Channel and Nanofluids. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 89. 59 - 74.
- Rowinski, M. K. , White, T. J. & Zhao, J. (2015). Small and Medium sized Reactors (SMR): A review of technology. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews. 44. 643 - 656.
- Wei, Z. , Zhao, J. & Xiong, B. (2014). Dynamic electro-thermal modeling of all-vanadium redox flow battery with forced cooling strategies. Applied Energy. 135. 1 - 10.
- Wei, Z. , Zhao, J. , Skyllas-Kazacos, M. & Xiong, B. (2014). Dynamic thermal-hydraulic modeling and stack flow pattern analysis for all-vanadium redox flow battery. Journal of Power Sources. 260. 89 - 99.
- Badrinarayanan, R. , Zhao, J. , Tseng, K. J. & Skyllas-Kazacos, M. (2014). Extended dynamic model for ion diffusion in all-vanadium redox flow battery including the effects of temperature and bulk electrolyte transfer. Journal of Power Sources. 270. 576 - 586.
- Xiong, B. , Zhao, J. , Wei, Z. & Skyllas-Kazacos, M. (2014). Extended Kalman Filter method for state of charge estimation of vanadium redox flow battery using thermal-dependent electrical model. Journal of Power Sources. 262. 50 - 61.
- Sakanova, A. , Yin, S. , Zhao, J. , Wu, J. M. & Leong, K. C. (2014). Optimization and Comparison of Double-Layer and Double-Side Micro-Channel Heat Sinks with Nanofluid for Power Electronics Cooling. Applied Thermal Engineering. 65. 124 - 134.
- Wu, J. M. , Zhao, J. & Tseng, K. J. (2014). Parametric study on the performance of double-layered microchannels heat sink. Energy Conversion and Management. 80. 550 - 560.
- Wang, T. , Tseng, K. J. , Zhao, J. & Wei, Z. (2014). Thermal investigation of lithium-ion battery module with different cell arrangement structures and forced air-cooling strategies. Applied Energy. 134. 229 - 238.
- Wu, J. M. & Zhao, J. (2013). A Review of Nanofluids Heat Transfer and Critical heat Flux Enhancement-Research Gap to Engineering Application. Progress in Nuclear Energy. 66. 13 - 24.
- Yin, S. , Tseng, K. J. & Zhao, J. (2013). Design of AlN-based micro-channel heat sink in direct bond copper for power electronics packaging. Applied Thermal Engineering. 52. 120 - 129.
- Xiong, B. , Zhao, J. , Tseng, K. J. & Skyllas-Kazacos, M. (2013). Thermal Hydraulic Behavior and Efficiency Analysis of an All-Vanadium Redox Flow Battery. Journal of Power Sources. 242. 314 - 324.
- Ming, T. & Zhao, J. (2012). Large-eddy simulation of thermal fatigue in a mixing tee. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow. 37. 93 - 108.
- Zhao, J. , Tso, C. P. & Tseng, K. J. (2012). Nonhomogenous-NonEquilibrium Two-phase Flow Model for Nuclear Reactor Single Channel Stability Analysis. Nuclear Technology. 180. 78 - 88.
- Yuan, W. , Zhao, J. , Tso, C. P. , Wu, T. , Liu, W. & Ming, T. (2012). Numerical simulation of the thermal hydraulic performance of a plate pin fin heat sink. Applied Thermal Engineering. 48. 81 - 88.
- Bu, L. & Zhao, J. (2012). Numerical simulation of the water bubble rising in a liquid column using the combination of level set and moving mesh methods in the collocated grids. International Journal of Thermal Science. 59. 1 - 8.
- Bu, L. , Zhao, J. & Tseng, K. J. (2012). Study on momentum interpolation methods with curvilinear collocated grids in single phase and two phase flows. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B. 61. 298 - 310.
- Bu, L. , Zhao, J. , Tseng, K. J. & Tso, C. P. (2011). Effect of inclined angles on the mixing of turbulent supercritical water in a T-junction. Transaction of American Nuclear Society. 104.
- Zhao, J. , Tseng, K. J. & Tso, C. P. (2011). SCWR single channel stability analysis using a response matrix method. Nuclear Engineering and Design. 241. 2528 - 2535.
- Zhao, J. , Saha, P. & Kazimi, M. S. (2008). Core Wide (In-Phase) Stability of Supercritical Water-cooled Reactors-I: Sensitivity to Design and Operating Conditions. Nuclear Technology. 161. 108 - 123.
- Zhao, J. , Saha, P. & Kazimi, M. S. (2008). Core Wide (In-Phase) Stability of Supercritical Water-cooled Reactors-II: Comparison with Boiling Water Reactors. Nuclear Technology. 161. 124 - 139.
- Zhao, J. , Saha, P. & Kazimi, M. S. (2008). Coupled Neutronic and Thermal-Hydraulic Out-of-Phase Stability of Supercritical Water-cooled Reactors. Nuclear Technology. 164. 20 - 33.
- Zhao, J. , Saha, P. & Kazimi, M. S. (2007). Hot Channel Stability of Supercritical Water-cooled Reactors-I: Steady State and Sliding Pressure Startup. Nuclear Technology. 158. 158 - 173.
- Zhao, J. , Saha, P. & Kazimi, M. S. (2007). Hot Channel Stability of Supercritical Water-cooled Reactors-II: Effect of Water Rod Heating and Comparison with BWR Stability. Nuclear Technology. 158. 174 - 190.
- Zhao, J. , No, H. C. & Kazimi, M. S. (2004). Mechanical Analysis of High Power Internally Cooled Annular Fuel. Nuclear Technology. 146. 164 - 180.
External Services
Professional Activity
- 2024, Conference Chair, The International Conference on Advanced Energy Materials, Devices and Systems (AEMDS2024).
- 2023 - Now, Associate Editor, Case Studies in Thermal Engineering (Elsevier).
- 2023 - 2024, Conference Chair.The International Workshop on Engineering Physics (IWEP2023, IWEP2024).
- 5 Sep 2022 - 10 Sep 2022, Keynote speaker and Technical Program Committee member, 13th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Thermal Hydraulics, Operations and Safety (NUTHOS-13).Hsinchu Taiwan.
- 2021 - Now, Associate Editor, Heat Transfer Engineering(Taylor & Francis, Inc.).
- 11 Apr 2019 - 13 Apr 2019, Scientific Committee Member, the 4th International Conference on Multiphase Flow and Heat Transfer (ICMFHT'19).Rome, Italy.
- 9 Oct 2016 - 13 Oct 2016, Technical Program Committee member and session chairs, 11th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Thermal Hydraulics, Operations and Safety (NUTHOS-11), Gyeongju, Korea.
- 2016 - Now, Advisory Editor, Annals of Nuclear Energy.
Service in CityUHK
Administrative Assignment
- Sep 2018 - Aug 2022, Member, College Board of Engineering.
- Jun 2015 - Jun 2018, Deputy Program Leader and Co-Chair, Nuclear and Risk Engineering Program.
Last update date :
01 Dec 2024