Dr. CHOW Oi Wah Esther (周愛華博士)
MSW(HKU), PhD(HKU), Hong KongBA (Hons.) (CU) Canada
Registered Social Worker (Hong Kong)Master of Narrative Therapy and Community Work (Melbourne) AustraliaPost Graduate Diploma in Narrative Therapy (Dulwich Centre), AustraliaRemotivation Therapy (HK Remotivation Therapy Association) Hong Kong
Associate Professor
Chan Sui Kau Hall, Residence Master
Visiting Scholar, Columbia School of Social Work
Based on the strong belief that individuals can be empowered to face life challenges with resilience, Dr Chow’s current research interests lie in the main areas in integrating narrative practice to open new knowledge in holistic health, adopt an unbiased and scientific approach to research on life adversities and wisdom, self-help and mutual-aid, spirituality and recovery, resilience and culture in social gerontology.
In view of increasing urges toward accountable practices in academia, social and health professions, most of her teaching and research scholarships are evidence-based practice studies, working in collaboration with students, colleagues, and professional practitioners, providing knowledge transfer activities to enhance individual and community wellbeing. She investigates the effects of practice, service models and special public policies in the contexts of higher education, health, social and community care.
Discovering and appreciating positive outlook of life within personal and contextual drawbacks, she is committed to infusing strengths- and meaning-based perspective in shaping knowledge through developing curriculums, conducting researches and delivering knowledge-transfer activities to achieve capacity-building among health and social work students and practitioners.
She has developed new interdisciplinary courses with colleagues from social work, psychology, counseling and language disciplines for both undergraduate and postgraduate programmes. Besides, she has established a network of community practice in health and social care industries to deliver effective interventions and capacity-building opportunities to different individuals and groups with special needs, including social work and counselling students, older adults, family caregivers, persons with disabilities, chronically-ill persons such as stroke survivors and persons living with pain.
Other than publishing Practice Manuals and outcome studies with practitioners in health and social arenas, her academic articles appear in both Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI), SAGE and Routledge journals. In recognitions of her outstanding achievement, international and exemplary contributions to the field of gerontological studies and social services, she have been named as Melvin Jones Fellow by Lions Clubs International Foundation (2017) for her dedicated humanitarian services, awarded by Salome Raheim as a Narrative Practitioner in addressing privilege and dominance (2016), a Fellow of Gerontological Society of America (2015), excellence in Knowledge Transfer Award by City University of Hong Kong (2013), a CADENZA fellow by Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust (2008), and a Honourary Research Fellow of Sau Po Centre on Aging, HKU.
Awards and Achievements
- 2017 “Melvin Jones Fellow” Lions Clubs International Foundation. Dedicated Humanitarian Services.
- Jul 2016 “Salome Raheim Award 2016: Narrative Pratitioners in addressing privilege and dominance” Dulwich Centre, Adelaide, Australia. [URL]
- Nov 2015 “GSA Fellow” Gerontological Society of America (GSA). In recognition of Dr. Chow's outstanding achievement, international and exemplary contributions to the field of gerontological studies. GSA, is the largest interdisciplinary organisation devoted to research, education, and practice in aging. [Social Research, Policy & Practice]
- 2013 “Excellence in Knowledge Transfer Award ” College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences, City University of Hong Kong. [Strength-based “Train the Trainer” Practice: Narrative therapy in Action]
- 2008 “CADENZA Fellow” The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust. CADENZA: A Jockey Club Initiative for Seniors is a project launched in 2006 by HKJCCT with a donation of HK$380 million, is aimed at nurturing academic leadership in gerontology and changing the mindset and attitude of the general public through a range of training and public education programmes through cross-sectional collaboration between organisations and the implementation of innovative elderly services and programmes to bring about a new mode of elderly care services to prepare for a rapidly ageing society. [Leadership Training & Research]
- 1994 “Best Teaching Team Award, College Quality Award (Category A)” City University of Hong Kong.
Previous Experience
- Jul 2013 - Jun 2017, Associate Professor (B), Department of Applied Social Sciences, City University of Hong Kong.
- Sep 2007 - Jun 2013, Assistant Professor, Department of Applied Social Sciences, City University of Hong Kong.
- Jan 1995 - Aug 2007, Senior Lecturer, Division of Social Studies, City University of Hong Kong.
- Sep 1992 - Dec 1994, Lecturer, Division of Social Studies, City University of Hong Kong.
- 1989 - 1992, Executive Director, Chinese Information and Community Services, Toronto, Canada.
- 1982 - 1989, Executive Secretary, Au Shue Hung Health Centre, Hong Kong Baptist Hospital, Hong Kong.
Research Grants
- A Study on Preventive Education on Risky Sex Behaviour and Counselling Services, Hong Kong Federation of Youth Group , Amount: HKD $348,500, 1 Dec 2017 - 31 Dec 2019, Esther Chow (PI), Dr. Oliver Chan (CO_PI).
- The Effects a Meaning-based Intervention on Grief, Depression, Affect, Hope, and Health Related Quality of Life of Chinese Adult Bereaved Children: A Pilot Study, Strategic Research Grant (Hong Kong), City University of Hong Kong, Amount: HKD $100,000, 1 Sep 2017 - 30 Aug 2019, Esther Chow (PI).
- Use of Storytelling to enhance the Teaching and Learning of Human Behaviour and Social Environment/Diversity, Teaching and Development Fund (Hong Kong), City University of Hong Kong, Amount: HKD $179,993, 5 Aug 2017 - 11 Jul 2019, Esther Chow (PI).
- Blended approach for social work learning: A reflection-based and user-oriented pedagogical model,, Teaching and Learning Related Proposals (2016-19 Triennium) , Research Grants Council, Amount: HKD $5,260,000, 1 Jul 2017 - 30 Jun 2020, Lam CM (PI), et al.
- The effects of a strengths-based intervention based on salutogenic model on sense of coherence, coping, psychological status & health-related QoL of family caregivers of persons with dementia, General Research Fund, Research Grants Council, Amount: HKD $668,368, 1 Jan 2017 - 31 Dec 2019, Prof YU, Doris (PI), Prof Cheng, Sheung-Tak (Co-I), Prof Choi, Kai-chow (Co-I), Dr. CHOW, Esther (Co-I), Prof KWOK, Timothy (Co-I), Prof McCormack, Brendan (Co-I).
- A Study on Preventive Education on Risky Sex Behaviour and Counselling Services, Hong Kong Federation of Youth Group , Amount: HKD $348,500, 2017 - 2019, Dr. Esther CHow (PI), Dr. Oliver Chan (as Co-PI).
- Rediscovering wisdom in older adulthood: A randomized wait list control trial of a specific narrative therapy in group practice, General Research Fund, Research Grants Council, Amount: HKD $497,096, Jan 2016 - Jun 2018, Dr. Esther Chow (PI), Dr. Jacky Cheung (Co-I).
- Evaluating the effectiveness of the program on Narrative Therapy for building up coping strategies for dealing with pains of Elderly Clients, Contract Research, The Neighbourhood Advice-Action Council , Amount: HKD $226,984, Sep 2015 - Dec 2019, Dr. Esther Chow (PI), Dr. Nancy YU (Co-I).
- Responding to hardships with strengths: Train the trainer narrative therapy in action, Knowledge Transfer Fund , City University of Hong Kong, Amount: HKD $199,992, Jul 2015 - Jun 2016, Dr. Esther Chow (PI).
- A collaborative forum for the enhancement of Social Work practicum education in Hong Kong, Teaching and Learning Fund , Research Grants Council , Amount: HKD $1,000,000, Sep 2014 - Dec 2015, Dr. Sylvia Kwok (PI), Dr. Ernest Chui (Co-PI), Dr. Lam Ching Man (Co-PI), Dr. Esther Chow (Co-I), Dr. T. Y. Lee (Co-I), Dr. W. M. Kwong (Co-I), Dr. R. Kwok (Co-I).
- Enhancing practicum teaching and learning in social work and counselling education: A pilot project to elicit, archive, and disseminate practice-based learning among students and fieldwork supervisors, Teaching Development Grant, City University of Hong Kong, Amount: HKD $180,000, 2014 - 2016, Esther Chow (PI), Kwong Wai Man (Co-PI).
- Narrative therapy in Action: Strength-based ‘Train the Trainer’ in Practice, Knowledge Transfer Initiative , City University of Hong Kong, Amount: HKD $200,000, 2013 - 2014, Esther Chow (PI).
- Rainbow Project: Support of Community Care in Choi Hung Estate, Yang Memorial Methodist Social Service, Hong Kong, Amount: HKD $120,000, 2012 - 2014, Jacky Cheung (PI), Esther Chow (Co-PI).
- The Development of an Indigenous Training Package in Life Education: Working with Older Adults, Teaching Development Grant, City University of Hong Kong, Amount: HKD $180,000, 2011 - 2012, Esther Chow (PI).
- A Randomized Controlled Trial of a Specific Narrative Group in Enhancing the Personal Well-being of Stroke Survivors in Hong Kong, The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, Amount: HKD $2,100,000, 2009 - 2013, Esther Chow (PI).
- Awareness Survey on Pneumococcal Vaccine, Sanofi Aventis, Hong Kong, 2009 - 2010, Esther Chow(PI).
- Study on Low-income People's Access to Medicine, GlaxoSmithKline, Hong Kong, 2009 - 2010, Esther Chow (PI).
- Wisdom Manifestation of Older Adults, College of Liberal Arts and Social Science, City University of Hong Kong, Amount: HKD $60,000, 2009 - 2010, Esther Chow(PI).
- CHOW, E. O. W.,. & FOK, D. Y. H. (in press). Recipe of Life: A Relational Narrative Therapy with persons with Chronic Pain. Research on Social Work Practice. doi:https://doi.org/10.1177/1049731519870867
- CHEUNG, CK. & CHOW, E. O. W. (2019). Contribution of Wisdom to Well-Being in Chinese Older Adults. Applied Research in Quality of Life. doi:10.1007/s11482-019-9712-x
- CHOW, E. O. W. & LIAO, X. (2019). Exploring the application of Narrative Therapy in Gerontological Social Work Practice in China: From working with Hong Kong older adults with chronic illness (in Chinese). Journal of Social Work. 282 (3). 41 - 53. doi:10.3969/j.issn.1672-4828.2019.03.004
- CHOW, E. O. W. & YAU, K. K. W. (2018). An Assessment of Social Networking Intervention with Older Chinese Adults in Hong Kong. Research on Social Work Practice. 28(8). 907 - 919. doi:10.1177/1049731516656462
- Tam, Dora. M.Y. , Chow, E. O.W. , Low, Andrew. Y. T. , Chan, Y.C. , Lee, T.Y. & Kwok, Siu Ming. (2018). Examining the Psychometrics of the Professional Suitability Scale for Social Work. British Journal of Social Work. 48(8). 2291 - 2312. doi:10.1093/bjsw/bcy009
- Chow, E. O W. (2018). Narrative Group Intervention to reconstruct Meaning of Life among Stroke Survivors: A Randomized Clinical Trial Study. Neuropsychiatry,. 8(4). 1216 - 1226. doi:10.4172/Neuropsychiatry.1000450
- CHOW, E. O. W. (2017). A Study of the Role of Meaning in Life: Mediating the Effects of Perceived Knowledge of Stroke on Depression and Life Satisfaction Among Survivors. Clinical Rehabilitation. 31(12). 1664 - 1673. doi:org/10.1177/0269215517708604
- CHOW, E. O. W. , Cheung, Chau-Kiu. & Chan, Gloria. Hongyee. (2016). Caliberating fieldwork practicum assessment in social work education with a competency-based evaluation tool in Hong Kong. International Social Work. doi:10.1177/0020872815620262
- CHOW, E. O.W. & HO, H. C.Y. (2015). Caregiver Strain, Age, and Psychological Well-being of Older Spousal Caregivers in Hong Kong. Journal of Social Work. 15(5). 479 - 497. doi:10.1177/0269215514544039
- CHOW, E.O.W. (2015). Narrative therapy an evaluated intervention to improve stroke survivors’ social and emotional adaptation. Clinical Rehabilitation. 9. 315 - 326. doi:10.1177/0269215514544039
- CHOW, E. O.W. (2013). Responding to lives after Stroke: The train of life with stroke survivors and caregivers. The International Journal of Narrative Therapy & Community Work. 4. 1 - 7.
- CHOW, E.O.W. & HO, C.Y.H. (2013). The relationship between psychological resources, Social resources, and depression: Results from older spousal caregivers in Hong Kong. Aging and Mental Health. 16(8). 1016 - 1027. doi:10.1080/13607863.2012.692769
- Cheung, C.K. & CHOW, E.O.W. (2012). Reciprocal Influences between Burnout and Effectiveness in Professional Care for Elders. Social Work in Health Care. 50. 694 - 718. doi:10.1080/00981389.2011.580421
- Cheung, C.K. & CHOW, E.O.W. (2011). Interpersonal influences between the care provider’s burnout and the older care recipient’s quality of life. Administration in Social Work. 35(4). 425 - 445. doi:10.1080/03643107.2011.599303
- CHOW, E. O.W. & Nelson-Becker, H. (2010). Spiritual distress to spiritual transformation: Stroke survivor narratives from Hong Kong. Journal of Aging Studies. 24(4). 313 - 324. doi:10.1016/j.jaging.2010.06.001
- Chow, O.W.E. & Cheung, C.K.J. (2009). Raising Self-Esteem through Social Networking Intervention for Older Chinese Adults in Hong Kong. Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work & Development. 19(1). 66 - 81. doi:10.1080/21650993.2009.9756054
- Lee, T.Y. , Chow, E. O.W. & Merrick, J. (2009). Special issue on conflict and harmony. International Journal of Child and Adolescent Health. 2(4). New York: Nova Science .
- Cheung, C.K. & Chow, E.O.W. (2006). Spilling over strain between elders and their caregivers in Hong Kong. International Journal of Ageing and Human Development. 61(1). 73 - 93. doi:10.2190/DRKJ-NQ3W-KNH2-GPW9
- CHOW, E. O.W. , Yeung, L.K.C. & Yau, K. (2004). Effects of social networking intervention on the community-dwelling older Chinese adults in Hong Kong. The Gerontologist. 44, Special issue (I). 251 .
- Chan, C. L.W. , Ho, P. & Chow, E. O.W. (2001). A body-mind-spirit model in health: An eastern approach. Social Work in Health Care. 34(3-4). 261 - 282. doi:10.1300/J010v34n03_02
- Yeung, A. & Chow, E. O.W. (2000). Correlates of subjective well-being in the Chinese elderly in Hong Kong’. Journal of Social Work Research and Evaluation. 1(2). 165 - 184.
- Chow, E. O.W. (1997). Empowering persons with stroke through self-help. Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work. 7(2). 63 - 76. doi:10.1080/21650993.1997.9755765
- Chow, E. O.W. (1997). Quality of life and the associated factors of Chinese stroke survivors in Hong Kong. Health Care in Later Life. 2(4). 227 - 238.
- Chow, E. O.W. (1995). The impact of community rehabilitation networks on the Quality of Life of Persons with Stroke. Hong Kong Journal of Social Work. 29(2). 25 - 26.
- Chow, E. O.W. (2016). Narrating faith. love. hope: A practical manual on narrative therapy (敍出信。愛。望: 敍事治療實務手冊). (2nd ed.). Hong Kong: City University of Hong Kong. 978-962-442-399-0, 142p (in Chinese).
- CHOW, E. O.W. (2015). Narrating faith. love. hope: A practical manual on narrative therapy (敍出信。愛。望: 敍事治療實務手冊) (Practice Manual)(in Chinese). Hong Kong: City University of Hong Kong. 978-962-442-383-9. 128 p.
- Chow, E. O.W. (2013). CADENZA Project: Practical Handbook on Everything begins after Stroke: Rekindling the glory of life (重燃生命的光彩: 敍事治療實務手冊). (Practice Manual & DVD) (in Chinese). Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust. 978-988-15262-1-2, 119p.
- Kwan, A. Y.H. , Chow, E. O.W. , Leung, K.P. & Cheung, W.S. (2010). HIDDEN ELDERLY: Practical Counseling series. Hong Kong: Chinese Christian Literature Council. 978-962-294-871-6, October 2010, 145 p (in Chinese).
- Lee, T.Y. , Lo, J.Y.S. & Chow, O.W.E. (2008). (Eds) Writing Reflection Logs in Social Work Practicum. Hong Kong: City University of Hong Kong.
- Chow, E.O.W. (2007). Enriching the interpersonal relationships with older adults: Activity Manual (輕輕鬆鬆與長者共處 : 活動手冊) (in Chinese). Hong Kong: City University of Hong Kong. 978-962-442-289-4, 134 p.
- Yeung, A. , Cheung, J. C.K. & Chow, E. O.W. (2003). A study of the elements of community care for promotion of the total quality of life of care providers and physically frail seniors in Hong Kong, Final Report (香港社區照顧對年長者及其利益攸關人士生活質素影響硏究). Hong Kong: Division of Social Studies, City University of Hong Kong. 962–442–181–1. 131 p.
- Yeung, A. , Chow, E. O.W. & LI, P.W. (2002). A study on the community care patterns and the networking strategies of the elderly persons in Hong Kong : Interim report (香港老人社區照顧及支援網絡策略硏究 : 報告書). Hong Kong: Division of Social Studies, City University of Hong Kong. 9624421811, 115 p.
- IP, K.C. , Chow, E. O.W. & Chou, NG. W.C. (2002). English Language Enhancement Kit for Social Work Students (2nd edition), a textbook. Hong Kong: Division of Social Studies, City University of Hong Kong. 9624421471, 207 p.
- Chow, E. O.W. & Tam, P.H. (1996). A critical evaluation of the Senior Citizen Card Scheme in Hong Kong: A social welfare and business perspective. Hong Kong: Division of Social Studies, City University of Hong Kong. 9624420947, 46 p.
- Fung, K.K. & Chow, E. O.W. (1996). The effectiveness of the estate management Advisory Committee Scheme (屋邨管理諮詢委員會實況調查). Hong Kong: Sham Shui Po District Board. HD7288.78.H6 F86 1996.
- Yeung, A. , Chow, E. O.W. & LI, P.W. (1995). Preliminary study report of the community care patterns and the networking strategies of elderly persons in Hong Kong (香港老人社區照顧及支援網絡策略硏究). Hong Kong: Division of Social Studies, City University of Hong Kong. 9624421161, 115 p.
Book Chapter
- Lee, T.Y. , Chow, O.W. & Lee, J. (2012). Subjective process and outcome evaluation: Evaluation of a Social Work methods course: Findings based on the perspective of the students. In ENG, B.C. (Ed.), A Chinese Perspective on Teaching and Learning. (pp. 92 - 120). New York. Routledge.
- Chow, O.W. (2011). Hidden Elderly: Case Study. Professor Alex Kwan Y.H. (ed.), A Practical Guide in Counselling Series1: Hidden Elderly. (pp. 15 - 76). Hong Kong. Chinese Christian Literature Council (in Chinese).
- Chow, E. O.W. (2000). Rights and responsibilities of elderly volunteers (長者義工的權利與義務). A Reader on Elderly Volunteer Services (in Chinese). (pp. 22 - 35). Hong Kong. Hong Kong Christian Services. 962–7267–75–9.
- Chow, E. O.W. (1997). Fundraising for grassroots organizations (籌募經費). Skills in Community Work (in Chinese). (pp. 411 - 431). Hong Kong. Chinese University Press. 962-201-768-1.
- Chow, E. O.W. (1997). Self-help organization: Its formation and maintenance (自助組織的成立與維繫). Skills in Community Work (in Chinese). (pp. 269 - 290). Hong Kong. Chinese University Press. 962–201–768–1.
Film, Video
- Chow, E. O.W. (Aug 2016). Narrating faith. love. hope: Recovery Stories from the chronic ill survivors (敍出信。愛。望). Play back performance: <https://www.youtube/T7gs9SfRJOo>. Hong Kong: Department of Applied Social Sciences.
- CHOW, E. O.W. (2015). Narrative Theatre (敍事劇場). A teaching tape on narra-drama whereby a group of stroke survivors and their carers share their re-constructed meaning of life after participating in narrative therapy. This also provides an opportunity for outsider witness practices for the participants who joined the narra-drama, Department of Applied Social Sciences, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
- CHOW, E. O.W. (2015). Narrative Therapy in Practice. A Teaching tape in demonstrating four core narrative skills: externalizing conversation, re-authoring conversations, re-membering conversations, and outsider witnesses practice, Department of Applied Social Sciences, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
External Services
Professional Activity
- Jul 2017 - Now, member, CityU Research Centre for Sustainable Hong Kong (CSHK).Hong Kong.
- 2017 - Now, Associate Fellow, Approved Counselling Supervisor,, The Hong Kong Professional Counselling Association.Hong Kong..Hong Kong.
- 2017 - Now, Certified Counsellor, the Hong Kong Professional Counselling Association.Hong Kong.
- Sep 2016 - Now, External Examiner, Caritas Institute of Higher Education.Hong Kong.
- Jan 2014 - Now, External Examiner, HKU School of Professional & continuing education, Certificate in Health Care Research (HS 34-124-00).Hong Kong.
- Jan 2014 - Jun 2014, members of Organizing committee, 2014 Conference on Social Work and Social Substainability in Asia.City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
- 2013 - Now, Founding Member,, Hong Kong Society of Behavioral Health,.Hong Kong.
- 2008 - 2014, Honorary Public Secretary, Hong Kong Remotivation Therapy Association .Hong Kong.
- 2003 - Now, Research Fellow, Sau Po Centre on Aging, HKU .Hong Kong.
- 1986 - Now, Board of Trustees, Au Shue Hung Foundation .Hong Kong.
Consultancy Service
- 1 Dec 2017 - 30 Nov 2019, Research and Consultancy on Preventive Education on Risky Sex Behaviour and Counselling Services, Hong Kong Federation of Youth Group.Hong Kong.
- 2015 - 2017, Research and Knowledge Transfer in working with persons living with pain, The Neighbourhood Advice-Action Council .Hong Kong.
- 2014 - 2017, Consultant, HKU: Hong Kong Government Elderly Programme Plan Consultancy Team to Elderly Commission.Hong Kong.
- Jun 2013 - Now, Advisor, HK Society for Rehab, Community Rehab Network (Stroke Team).Hong Kong.
- 2012 - 2015, Consultancy on Research and Practice, Yang Memorial Social Services Choi Hung DECC,.Hong Kong.
- 2012 - Now, Social Entrepreneurship Initiative: Project Flame.Hong Kong.
Training Service
- Aug 2016 - Aug 2017, Trainer, JCECC Workshop: 'Responding to the Richness of Lives: Application of Narrative Therapy'.Hong Kong.
- Feb 2012 - Mar 2012, A ‘Train the Trainer’ Program on Narrative Therapy (NT) & Psycho-educational (PE) to the social workers, Baptist Oi Kwan Social Service Sha Tin Day Care Centre for the Elderly (NT East Cluster).
- Jan 2012 - Feb 2012, A ‘Train the Trainer’ Program on Narrative Therapy (NT) & Psycho-educational (PE) to the social workers, The Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation, Community Rehabilitation Network (Prince of Wales) (NTE Cluster)..Shatin, NT.
- Dec 2011 - Jan 2012, A ‘Train the Trainer’ Program on Narrative Therapy (NT) & Psycho-educational (PE) to the social workers, Salvation Army Tai Po Multi-Service Centre for Senior Citizens (NT East Cluster).
- Nov 2011 - Dec 2011, A ‘Train the Trainer’ Program on Narrative Therapy (NT) & Psycho-educational (PE) to the social workers, Aberdeen Kai-fong Welfare Association Social Service Centre Southern District Elderly Community Centre (AKWASSC).Hong Kong West Cluster.
- Oct 2011 - Nov 2011, A ‘Train the Trainer’ Program on Narrative Therapy (NT) & Psycho-educational (PE) to the social workers, Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Welfare Council Western District Elderly Community Centre (HK Cluster).Hong Kong.
- Sep 2011 - Oct 2011, A ‘Train the Trainer’ Program on Narrative Therapy (NT) & Psycho-educational (PE) to the social workers, The Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation, Community Rehabilitation Network (Prince of Wales) (NTE Cluster)..NT.
- Sep 2011 - Oct 2011, A ‘Train the Trainer’ Program on Narrative Therapy (NT) & Psycho-educational (PE) to the social workers, Evangelical Lutheran Church Social Service Hong Kong, Ma On Shan District Elderly Community Centre (NTE Cluster).Shatin, NT.
- Jul 2011 - Aug 2011, A ‘Train the Trainer’ Program on Narrative Therapy (NT) & Psycho-educational (PE) to the social workers, The Neighbourhood Advice-action Council, Tuen Mun District Integrated Services Centre for the Elderly (NT West Cluster).Hong Kong.
- Jun 2011 - Aug 2011, A ‘Train the Trainer’ Program on Narrative Therapy (NT) & Psycho-educational (PE) to the social workers, The Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation, Community Rehabilitation Network (Kornhill Centre) (HK Cluster).Hong Kong.
- Jun 2011 - Jul 2011, A ‘Train the Trainer’ Program on Narrative Therapy (NT) & Psycho-educational (PE) to the social workers, Mongkok Kai-Fong Association Limited Chan Hing Social Service Centre (Kowloon Central Cluster).Hong Kong.
- May 2011 - Jun 2011, A ‘Train the Trainer’ Program on Narrative Therapy (NT) & Psycho-educational (PE) to the social workers, Salvation Army Yau Ma Tei Multi-service Centre for Senior Citizens (Kowloon Central Cluster).Hong Kong.
- Feb 2011 - Mar 2011, A ‘Train the Trainer’ Program on Narrative Therapy (NT) & Psycho-educational (PE) to the social workers, Yang Memorial Methodist Social Service Choi Hung Community Centre for Senior Citizens (Kowloon Central Cluster).Hong Kong.
- Dec 2010 - Jan 2011, A ‘Train the Trainer’ Program on Narrative Therapy (NT) & Psycho-educational (PE) to the social workers, Christian Family Service Center True Light Villa District Elderly Community Centre (Kowloon East Cluster).Hong Kong.
- Sep 2010 - Oct 2010, A ‘Train the Trainer’ Program on Narrative Therapy (NT) & Psycho-educational (PE) to the social workers, Hong Kong Christian Service Wan Hon District Elderly Community Centre (Kowloon East Cluster).Hong Kong.
- Apr 2010 - May 2010, A ‘Train the Trainer’ Program on Narrative Therapy (NT) & Psycho-educational (PE) to the social workers, Po Leung Kuk Lau Chan Siu Po District Elderly Community Centre (Kowloon East Cluster).Hong Kong.
Community Service
- 2015 - Now, Member of Advisory Committee of Charity, The Hong Kong Christian Churches Union .Hong Kong.
- 2001 - Now, Honorary Advisor to the Board of Directors, Hong Kong Stroke Association .Hong Kong.
- 1995 - Now, Life member, Hong Kong Council of Social Services.Hong Kong.
- 1990 - Now, Life member, Hong Kong Social Workers’ Association.Hong Kong.
Service in CityU
Administrative Assignment
- Jul 2017 - Now, Chan Sui Kau Hall, Residence Master.
- Sep 2016 - Jun 2018, CLASS College Board, member.
- Sep 2016 - Jun 2018, CLASS College Validation and Monitoring Committee (CVMC), member.
- Sep 2016 - Jun 2018, CLASS Knowledge Transfer Committee, member.
- Jul 2015 - Jun 2016, BSSSW Programme: Professional validation and Qualification Recognition Review (QRR), Coordinator.
- Jul 2015 - Now, MSSC Programme, member.
- Jul 2014 - Jun 2018, BSS (SW) Programme, Programme Leader.
- Jul 2013 - Jun 2014, Practicum Education and Liaison (for social work and counselling programs) , Director.
- Jul 2013 - Now, Programme Committee Team – Master of Social Work Programme, member.
- 2011 - 2014, BSSSW Programme, Fieldwork Coordinator.
- 2011 - 2013, City University Elder Academy, Admission Consultant & Speaker.
- 2010 - 2014, BSSSW Programme, Associate Program Leader.
Research / Thesis Supervision
- Sep 2017 - Now, PhD, Doris Fok, Research Area: Practice Research.
- 2013 - 2018, Research Area: Chinese Spousal Caregiving , Masters of Philosophy, Yuk Yi WONG.
- 2011 - 2012, Work-family Conflict of Working Mothers in HK, MSSC project supervision.
- 2010 - 2011, Transition to Single Parenthood among Lone Mothers in HK, MSSC project supervision.
- 2010 - 2011, Self-perceived Adjustment process of Early Retired Men in HK, MSSC project supervision.
Teaching Service
- Jan 2015 - Now, SS4002, Integrated Social Work Seminar.
- 2015 - Now, Bachelor of Social Work: BSSSW & BASW, SS4215 Health and Aging.
- Sep 2013 - Now, Master of Social Work, SS5212 , Human Behaviour and Diversity.
- Jun 2013 - Now, Master of Social Work & Social Science (Counseling) S5805, Narrative-based Therapeutic Conversations: Theory and Practice.
- Jan 2013 - Now, Bachelor of Social Work, SS3280, Human Behaviour and Social Environment.
- 2011 - 2015, Bachelor of Social Work, SS4215, Working with Older Adults.
- 2007 - 2014, Bachelor of Social Work, SS3293 & SS4293, Practicum I & II.
- 2007 - Now, Bachelor of Social Work, SS3277/ SS2277 (as from 2012), Team Building and Group Work Skills Laboratory.
Conferences Attended
- 23 Jul 2017 - 27 Jul 2017, 'Wisdom and Psychological Well-being of Older Adults in Hong Kong' at 21st IAGG World Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics, , San Francisco, California, USA.
- 6 Jun 2017 - 9 Jun 2017, 'Navigating hardships in old age: Rediscovering the life wisdom of Hong Kong Chinese older adults' at 2017 Narrative Practice Conference: Honouring History, Weaving Hopes., Hong Kong.
- 19 Jun 2016 - 23 Jun 2016, ‘Voices of Stroke Carers in reconstructing their preferred identities: Therapeutic use of personal narratives’ at the 8th International Conference on Social Work in Health and Mental Health, Singapore.
- 14 Mar 2016 - 16 Mar 2016, Voices of Stroke Survivors in Reconstructing their Preferred Identities: Therapeutic use of Personal Narratives" at Storytelling, Illness and Medicine, 11th Global Meeting of the Health Project, Budapast, Hungary.
- 18 Nov 2015 - 22 Nov 2015, 'Caregiver Strain, Age, and Psychological Well-being of Older Spousal Caregivers in Hong Kong' at the Gerontological Society of America's 66th Annual Scientific Meeting, Orlando, FL, USA.
- 18 Nov 2015 - 22 Nov 2015, Voices of Stroke Spousal Caregivers on Positive Aspects of Caregiving. Paper presentation at the Gerontological Society of America's 66th Annual Scientific Meeting, Orlando, FL, USA.
- 31 Oct 2014 - Now, Rediscovering wisdom in older adulthood: A strength– & meaning-based narrative therapy in group practice. International annual conference: Narrative approaches to therapy & community work (2013-2014), Dulwich Centre, Adelaide, Australia.
- 30 Oct 2014 - Now, Stroke survivors’ and caregivers’ narrative journeys to recovery: Application of Train of Life. International annual conference: Narrative approaches to therapy and community work (2013-2014), Dulwich Centre, Adelaide, Australia.
- 25 Aug 2014 - Now, Knowledge Transfer Workshop: Narrating faith, love and hope. To health and social care professionals from Hospital Authority, Social Welfare Department, Social Services not-for profit agencies, Hong Kong.
- 20 Nov 2013 - 24 Nov 2013, Life stories: Wisdom of life experience among wise elders in Hong Kong context at the GSA's 66th ASM, New Orleans, LA, USA.
- 20 Nov 2013 - 24 Nov 2013, The role of meaning in life: Mediating the effect of subjective understanding of stroke in depression & life satisfaction among Chinese stroke survivors at the GSA 66th ASM, New Orleans, LA, USA.
- 18 Nov 2013 - 19 Nov 2013, Responding to lives after stroke: Narrative therapy with stroke survivors and caregivers. Poster presentation at the International Institute for Reminiscence and Life Review, 10th Biennial Conference,, New Orleans, LA, USA.
- 21 Nov 2011, Depression in spousal elder caregivers in Hong Kong at the GSA 64th Annual Scientific Meeting, organized by GSA, Boston, USA.
- 25 Nov 2010 - Now, A RCT of a NT in enhancing the PWB of stroke survivors in HK: Preliminary findings, in 8th World Congress on Long Term Care in Chinese Communities & Asian Ageing Development Conference, Hong Kong Association of Gerontology.
- 22 Nov 2010 - 3 Dec 2010, Reconstructing life journeys: Group work with survivors who experience Stroke in HK context. International annual conference: Narrative approaches to therapy & community work (2009-2010), , Dulwich Centre, Adelaide, Australia.
Previous Research Interests
- Evidence-based practice for professional accountability and development is essential. Past research primarily involved partnerships with NGOs in outcome studies: Senior Citizen Card (1996), Community Rehabilitation Network (1996), Estate Management Advisory Committee (1997), Networking Strategies Initiatives (1997–2000; 2004-6), Community Care Services (2003), Self-help organization (2007), Elderly vaccination behavior (2009), and Drug Formulary (2010).
- Melvin Jones Fellow, for her dedicated humanitarian services, awarded by Lions Clubs International Foundation, 2017.
- Salome Raheim Award 2016: Narrative Pratitioners in addressing privilege and dominance, awarded by Dulwich Centre, Adelaide, Australia.
- GSA Fellow, Gerontological Society of America, since 2015
- Research Fellow, Sau Po Centre of Aging, University of Hong Kong, since 2009.
- CADENZA Fellow, Jockey Club Charities Trust, since 2008
- Board of Trustees, AU Shue Hung Foundation, since 1988
Last update date :
19 Dec 2022