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Prof. YANG Bin (楊斌教授)

BA & MA (Renmin University of China), PhD (Northeastern University, USA)
西泠印社社员 (since 2018)

Full Professor

Contact Information

Office: 4720 LI
Phone: 34428789
Email: byang23@cityu.edu.hk

Research Interests

  • Maritime History; Sino-Southeast Asian-Indian Ocean Interactions; History of Science, Technology and Medicine
Bin Yang, professor of history at City University of Hong Kong. His research interests include Chinese history, world/global history, and history of science, technology and medicine. He is the author of Between Winds and Clouds: The Making of Yunnan (Second Century BCE – Twentieth Century CE) (Columbia University Press, 2008, based on dissertation awarded the 2004 Gutenberg-e Prize by the American Historical Association) and Cowrie Shells and Cowrie Money: a Global History (Routledge, 2019). He has published research papers in some internationally prestigious journals such as The China Quarterly, Modern Asian Studies, Journal of World History, Bulletin of the History of Medicine, and Journal of Women’s History. Currently, he is working on his third English monograph “Discovered But Forgotten: The Maldives in Imperial China, c. 1100-1620” (Columbia University Press, forthcoming).

Awards and Achievements

  • 2004 “Gutenberg-E Prize” American Historical Association . The Gutenberg-e prizewinning books represent the most distinguished and innovative scholarship delivered with creative and thoughtful use of digital technology. These books have undergone a rigorous academic review process by distinguished historians brought together by the American Historical Association and produced through a close collaboration between the authors and the electronic publishing staff at Columbia University Press. [URL]
  • 2022 “第17届文津图书奖推荐” 国家图书馆. "文津图书奖”是国家图书馆主办并联合全国图书馆界共同参与的公益性图书奖项.
  • 2021 “《新京报》年度图书推荐” 《新京报》. [URL]
  • 2022 “2022年度国家古籍整理出版资助项目” 国家古籍整理出版小组. 《江西浮梁三银碗汪氏文书》 (曹树基、游欢孙 、杨斌) .
  • 2021 “社科文献出版社年度十大好书” 社科文献出版社.
  • 2021 “中华读书报年度图书之100佳” 《中华读书报》. [URL]
  • Nov 2023 “第二十四届深圳读书月 “年度十大好书“” 30本入围书目” 深圳市政府. 《人海之间:海洋亚洲中的中国与世界》入围三十本好书. [news]
  • Feb 2024 “the Asian Book Awards 2023—Best Asian Books of the Year” Korea Publishers Society. The Asia Book Awards Committee comprises publishers, scholars and critics from various countries in Asia, including Korea, Japan, China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. 1. The Asia Book Awards are given every year to two winners in each of the following categories: the category of humanities and academic books with the theme of Asia and the category of general books with a large number of readers by sharply capturing the changes in modern society. 2. The Asia Book Awards Committee comprises publishers, scholars and critics from various countries in Asia, including Korea, Japan, China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. 3. Each award winner is given a statute, a plaque and prize money. The statute design is the work of the Korean sculptor Mr. Jung Hyun and takes the form of a crane, which symbolizes Paju and books. 4. The award ceremony is an important occasion, which invites publishers and intellectuals from Korea and the rest of Asia to celebrate the awards and engage in friendly exchange and interaction. [Asia Book Awards Committee Report]
  • Mar 2024 “第九届单向街书店文学奖年度图书 (One Way Street Book Award, 2023)” 单向空间, 北京. 单向街书店文学奖创设于2016年,是由单向空间发起的全国首个书店行业的文学奖评选。文学奖由全国的独立书店和顾问团一起,回看过去一年的文化工作,检视那些为当下触动的书写,或穿越时间来到我们面前的记录;也表彰无论外界环境如何,都持续带来新的创作、新的想法、新的行动的文化工作者. [news]
  • Jan 2024 “the Horizon Prize for Historical Writing 第二届文景历史写作奖 ” 北京世纪文景文化传播有限公司. 《海贝与贝币:鲜为人知的全球史》获得第二届文景历史写作奖 (十强)。 由上海人民出版社指导,北京世纪文景文化传播有限公司独立创设的汉语历史写作类奖项。奖项两年一届,秉持公平、公正、专业的原则进行评选。. [news]
  • Apr 2024 “2023 《新周刊》刀锋年度图书 (New Weekly Blade Edge Book Awards)” 《新周刊》(New Weekly). 《人海之间》获得2023年刀锋年度图书(共15本)。刀锋图书奖由南方传媒旗下《新周刊》主办,创立至今已历三届,成为国内具有影响力和洞察力的出版奖项。2023 年度刀锋图书奖邀请知名作家、茅盾文学奖得主毕飞宇担任推委会主席,与推委会成员和特邀嘉宾共同推选出 15 本刀锋好书以及 " 年度致敬 "" 年度诗人 " 年度青年小说家 "" 年度学人 "" 年度译者 "" 年度非虚构作者 " 等 14 个单项荣誉. [News]
  • Apr 2024 “The Harvard-Yenching Institute Publication Grant” The Harvard-Yenching Institute. Financial support to the publication of my English monograph Discovered But Forgotten: the Maldives in Chinese History (Columbia University Press, 2024) .
  • Apr 2024 ““第19届文津图书奖图书提名(社科类共16本)” 中国国家图书馆(Naiotnal Library, China). "文津图书奖”是国家图书馆主办并联合全国图书馆界共同参与的公益性图书奖项。第19届从近2500种入围图书中脱颖而出,其中获文津图书奖图书20种,提名图书41种。《人海之间》为提名图书(社科类共16本)。.

Previous Experience

  • Aug 2020 - Jul 2023, Professor, University of Macao.
  • Aug 2017 - Jul 2020, Associate Professor, University of Macao.
  • Aug 2010 - Jul 2017, Associate Professor , National University of Singapore.
  • Dec 2005 - Jul 2010, Assistant Professor, National University of Singapore.

Publications Show All Publications Show Prominent Publications


  • (Spring Mar 2024). 由‘香’入‘藥’——龍涎香、嘉靖煉丹、葡人入居澳門與海洋亞洲的新格局 (From Aromatic to Medicinal: Ambergris, Emperor Jiajing, the Portuguese Settlement at Macao and the New Setup of Maritime Asia). 《南國學術—澳门大学学报(South China Quarterly—— Journal of University Macao)》. 14.1. 76 - 96.
  • (Winter Dec 2023). “中国来的鱼鹰":近代欧洲之中国知识生成举隅 (The Fishing Bird from China: Production and Circulation of the China Knowledge in Modern Europe). 《海交史研究 (Journal of Maritime History Studies)》. Issue 4 (2023). 67 - 78.
  • (Winter Nov 2023). “琉球的进贡:元明时期江南海贝的来源 (Tributes from the Ryukyu Kingdom: Cowrie Shells in the Yangzi Delta during the Yuan-Ming Period)”. 《海洋史研究 (Studies of Maritime History) 》. 19. 201 - 212.
  • 杨, 斌. (2023). “怀柔远人”与 “上帝圣名之城“”—中西视野下十八世纪的澳门. 《跨文化美术史年鉴》. vol. 4 (March 2023). 219 - 248.
  • 杨, 斌. (2023). 汪氏之生. 《新史学》. vol.16 (2023). 46 - 82.
  • 杨, 斌. (2022). “无钉之船”:考古和文献中最早往返于西亚与中国之间的海舶. 《海交史研究》. issue 1(May 2022). 1 - 20.
  • 杨, 斌. (2022). 马尔代夫来的 “宝贝” :先秦时期中原海贝问题新探. 《全球史评论》. Vol. 22.1 (June2022). 39 - 56.
  • 杨, 斌. (2021). 当自印度洋返航——泉州湾宋代海船航线新考. 《海交史研究》. Issue 1 (April 2021). 12 - 30.
  • Yang, Bin. (2020). “Exodus: Lotus Seals and Lotus Sealings from a Cross-Civilizational Perspective.” T. he Sino-Platonic Papers (SPP). Number 302 (June, 2020). 1 - 55.
  • 杨, 斌. (2019). 南洋史地:蒲罗中学案. 《华人研究国际学报》. 11.1 (June 2019). 47 - 76.
  • Yang, Bin. & Cao, Shuji. (2016). “Cadres, Grain, and Sexual Abuse in Wuwei County, Mao’s China (Mid-1950s–Early 1960s)” . Journal of Women’s History. no.28, issue 2 (Summer 2016). 28 - 57.
  • Yang, Bin. (2016). “Under and Beyond the Pen of Eileen Chang: Shanghai, Nanyang, Huaqiao, and Greater China”. Frontiers of History in China,. 11(3). 458 - 484.
  • Yang, Bin. & Cao, Shuji. (2015). “Grain, Local Politics and the Making of Mao’s Famine in Wuwei, 1958–1961”. Modern Asian Studies. vol. 49, issue 6 (Nov. 2015). 1675 - 1703.
  • Yang, Bin. , Cao, Shuji. & Li, Yushang. (Sep 2012). “Mt. Tambora, Climatic Changes, and China’s Decline in the Nineteenth Century”. Journal of World History. vol. 23, no. 3. 587 - 607.
  • Yang, Bin. (2011). “The Rise and Fall of Cowry Shells: The Asian Story”. Journal of World History. vol. 22, no. 1(Mar. 2011). 1 - 26.
  • Yang, Bin. (Summer 2010). “The Zhang on Southern Chinese Frontiers: Disease-Construction, Environmental Changes, and Imperial Colonization.” ,92. Bulletin of the History of Medicine. vol. 84, no. 2. 163 - 192.
  • Yang, Bin. (2009). “‘We Want to Go Home!’—The Great Petition in Xishuangbanna, Yunnan, 1978–1979.”. The China Quarterly. , vol. 198 (June 2009). 401 - 421.
  • Yang, Bin. (2009). “Central State, Local Governments, Ethnic Groups, and the Minzu Identification in Yunnan, 1950s–1980s.”. Modern Asian Studies. Volume 43, part 3 (May 2009). 735 - 770.
  • Yang, Bin. (2004). “Horses, Silver, Cowries: Yunnan in a Global Perspective”. Journal of World History. vol. 15, no. 3 (September 2004). 281 - 322.


  • 杨, 斌. (2023). 《人海之间:海洋亚洲中的中国与世界》. 桂林:  广西师范大学出版社. 9787559862259.
  • 杨, 斌. (2023). 《季风之北,彩云之南》. 桂林:  广西师范大学出版社. 9787559858481.
  • (2022). 《谁是那个弱女子:郁达夫的爱恨离愁》. 上海:  上海人民出版社. 9787208177772.
  • (summer May 2021). 《流动的疆域:全球视野下的云南与中国》(韩翔中译). 台北:  八旗文化. 9789865524890.
  • 杨, 斌. (2021). 《海贝与贝币:鲜为人知的全球史》. 北京:  社科文献出版社甲骨文工作室. 9787520182812.
  • Yang, Bin. (2019). Cowrie Shells and Cowrie Money: A Global History. Rouledge. 9780367484316.
  • Yang, Bin. (2008). Between Winds and Clouds: the Making of Yunnan. NY:  Columbia University Press. 9780231142540.

Book Chapter

  • Yang, Bin. (Aug 2022). The Cowrie World. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Asian History. (pp. 1 - 17). Oxford University Press. doi:https://doi.org/10.1093/acrefore/9780190277727.013.722
  • Yang, Bin. (2019). Ethnicity. The Making of the Human Sciences in China.,. (pp. 162 - 182). Brill.

Invited Lectures

  • “The Zhang in Chinese History.” Yunnan Normal University, Dec. 2, 2023.
  • “Yunnan: A Case of Global Approach to Local History.” 电子科技大学(University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu), Dec.4, 2023.
  • “Port Marriage: Sojourners and Their Contractual Wives in Precolonial Maritime Asia.” University of Macau, March 22, 2024.
  • “ ‘The China Bird’ in the Maldives.” Academic Sinica (台北中央研究院), online, March 27, 2024.


  • 《手抄本里的东西凝视》, 《新京报》“书评周刊”, 2024年6月21日, B02-03 版。

Last update date : 02 Jul 2024