Lanterns hoisted everywhere, sweet and fragrant rice balls … yeah, the Chinese Lantern Festival, or Yuanxiao Festival (元宵節), is coming!

The Lantern Festival is on the fifteenth day of the first month in the Chinese Lunar Calendar. This year it falls on 21 Feb 2008. With its assortment of lanterns and traditional food called “Tangyuan” (sweet rice balls), the Festival celebrates the gathering of families and friends. On 21 Feb (Fri), INSO and SRO will organise a Chinese New Year Fair at Multi-function Hall A at 7:00-9:00pm. Don’t miss the chance to experience the fun and celebrations!

The traditions of the Festival are the subject of many attractive tales. One of these explains why people hang up lanterns. One day a heavenly bird was shot dead by ignorant villagers. The Heavenly Emperor wanted to punish mankind by ruining them in fire on the fifteen day of the first month. When news of the catastrophe came, a wise elder suggested that everyone should light a lantern on that day, to trick the penalty implementers. From then on, lanterns have been lit up on every fifth day of the first month in memory of this man’s wisdom.

Customs and Celebrations
Lanterns, of various in shapes, colors and sizes, are a salient feature. You may try to make a simple lantern at home or go downtown where there is a sea of lanterns. Thanks to modern technology, lanterns can now be made with many astonishing effects.

Tangyuan, “湯圓” in Chinese, are chubby glutinous rice balls that are usually stuffed with sweet bean paste and sesame. Their round shape is reflected in the character “圓” , a lovely pun that can be interpreted as getting together (團圓), successful (圓滿), realizing your dream (圓夢) and so on.

Solving riddles (猜燈謎) is another popular event during the Lantern Festival. They are often written on public lanterns so that all can challenge their intelligence. Lantern riddles are composed of a vast range of elements, including character analysis, usage of puns, Chinese literature and historical events.

Celebrations in Hong Kong
To celebrate the Lantern Festival this year, the HK government is organising three Lunar New Year Lantern Carnivals, in Ko Shan Road Park and Ko Shan Theatre, Tsing Yi Park, and Tseung Kwan O Po Tsui Park. The Carnivals will showcase nostalgic songs, Cantonese and Beijing Opera and Chinese traditional stage arts, a lantern riddle quiz and fortune telling, etc. Spectacular lantern displays will be held at the Hong Kong Cultural Centre Piazza and West Kowloon Waterfront Promenade to celebrate the advent of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games.

Click here for more information about the functions.

Solving Interesting Riddles 來試試猜燈謎

Want to try the riddles? Here are some!
(Chinese version only)



元宵節為中國傳統農曆中的正月十五一日,今年的元宵則在陽曆二月二十日。元宵節以各式各樣的花燈和中國傳統食品湯圓著稱,是一個闔家團圓,親友歡聚的節日。今年元宵時(二月二十一日), INSO 和 SRO 將在多用途活動 A 室( MFH A )舉行一場中國元宵節慶祝活動,時間為晚上 7:00 至 9:00 , 千萬別錯過這場歡樂好玩的慶祝哦!






今年元宵香港政府將在高山道公園(包括高山劇場),青衣公園和將軍澳寶翠公園舉行盛大的嘉年華活動。嘉年華內容包括經典老歌、粵劇、京劇等中國傳統舞臺藝術,並有燈謎比賽以及好運占卜等活動。此外,香港文化中心露天廣場和西九龍海濱長廊將舉辦大型花燈展覽,以此迎接 2008 年的北京奧運會。