High Table Dinners are special and formal occasions modeled after the Formal Hall in the Universities of Cambridge and Oxford, and developed from the traditions of Chinese colleges and Chinese classical culture.

The High Table Dinner is a three-course evening meal complete with red wine and coffee. The meal is preceded by sherry or soft drinks and, as a highlight of the evening, a speech by an eminent guest. Following the meal, coffee is served. Each Dinner has a theme and is highlighted with special events. Participants wear formal attire and interact with each other during cocktail receptions and dinners.

High Table Dinner occupies a significant part in our hall life. Through this formal gathering, we learn social etiquette and have chances to communicate with fellow students as well as honourable guests.

Most of the Halls will organise their own high table dinners during the semester. Some of them have already held it, such as JC Academy Hall (Hall 4). Lee Shau Kee Hall has just scheduled their High Table Dinner for 28 Feb 2008 at MF Hall A. Hall 8 will host their High Table Dinner on 29 Feb 2008.

Check out the date of your own Hall’s High Table Dinner and do not miss this golden opportunity to experience something new as well as to enrich your social skills.