Student Residence Office
Student Residence Office
Scholarship 2019

Chan Sui Hung Best Student Award
Lee Shau Kee Hall (Hall 6)

Miss ZHAO Yifei

BEng Electronic and Communication Engineering, Year 3
ZHAO Yifei

It’s my great honor to share my residential experience in Hall6 for last year. Living there and getting along with all the residents together with all the activities has become one of my most precious memories.

The most unforgettable experience for me is a series of PEK competitions, which is also my greatest contribution to Hall6. From the 4x100 relay race, to the basketball games, as well as table tennis competition, I’ve tried my best to help the hall team to get a better grade. And I also enjoy the feeling that everyone pulled together, cheered for our teams, which is a sense of belonging.

ZHAO YifeiZHAO Yifei

During this year, we also have a lot of meaningful activities, especially for culture communication and building friendship with each other. I’ve participated into most of them and also helped to organize some important events. As a result, I’ve made a lot of friends coming from different countries and got to know their cultures, which was really interesting. We have workshops for various festivals, for reducing pressure, and even movie fest and hiking.

ZHAO YifeiZHAO Yifei

Movie fest with hallmates & Poon Choi Feast

Besides, we also have some workshops to improve study, such as C++ workshop, from which I got a better understanding of my course with the help of senior students in my hall. Meanwhile, I also joined the community service team, doing weekly community services. I think it a good way to contribute to the society representing out residence hall.

ZHAO YifeiZHAO Yifei

“Book and Beyond” children service & Food Angel service

ZHAO Yifei

Chong Yang workshop

All in all, I love LSK hall. And I’m sincerely grateful to receive recognition for my contribution and hard work. I will keep working hard and become a qualified student model, trying my best to make our residence life better!

ZHAO Yifei

My fellow hallmates, play & eat together

ZHAO YifeiZHAO Yifei

LSK Night
