Student Residence Office
Student Residence Office
Scholarship 2019

Lee Shau Kee Hall (Hall 6) Scholarships

Miss DANG Swati Satishkumar

BEng Computer and Data Engineering, Year 3

DANG Swati Satishkumar

“We laugh together, we cry together, and we grow together”

For as ordinary as I might be, I am always willing from all my heart to take up an enormous amount of responsibility. To begin with my fruitful experience in LSK Hall, I became the floor representative in the first week of Semester A followed by joining the LSK Hall Community Service Team and organizing three volunteering activities for the residents as well as volunteering for up to four sessions in a year including Food Angel services and Books & Beyond service focused on providing free English Reading Enrichment Programs to children with lesser means. These activities provided me with a sense of real accomplishment as I worked towards humanity.

DANG Swati Satishkumar

Going a little further, I attended screening sessions of almost all PEK competitions and was a part of all the cheering. Such participation taught me rules of different sports. Moreover, I attended training sessions for Basketball and Table Tennis. I was also recruited as a helper for tennis since the tennis PEK had to be managed by Hall 6. This opportunity taught me the scoring system for tennis and was fun since I witnessed different halls competing.

DANG Swati Satishkumar

From attending all the Chinese, Malaysian and Indonesian events, I also organized Indian events to familiarize the residents with the Indian traditional culture. Be it tasting the Indian sweets or Indians’ staple diet, the residents also experienced the Indian culture including the significance of Rangoli and Henna Art (Indian tattoo).

Next, I also participated in activities organized by the management team of LSK Hall like the Bowling, Hall 6 Night, Hiking, ice-skating event, Singing Contest, Floor decoration Competition and Poon Choi Banquet.

DANG Swati SatishkumarDANG Swati Satishkumar

My roommate and I also bagged third prize in the floor decoration competition with the theme ‘Work Hard, Play Hard’ where we mainly focused on the universities in different countries, especially from where the exchange students on our floor belonged to and their national sports. Hence, realizing the fact that at Hall 6, we are like a family irrespective of the background we are from.

To enforce this further, I attended the language exchange series. All these activities have made Hall 6 feel more like Home 6.

In hall 6, we also believe in learning and growing together. Hence, I along with my friends started out with the Information Technology (IT) Team and Energy Committee. Under the IT Team, we carried out C++ programming workshops and taught the programming language every Saturday from scratch in semester A and thus residents without any programming background were also welcomed. It was with an aim to make their CV look more attractive.

DANG Swati Satishkumar

I am currently managing the Facebook page of Hall 6. As for the Energy Committee, besides taking care of the energy usage in the common rooms, the entire committee had set out a booth in the lobby persuading residents to work towards saving energy and sustainability by informing them that it is for the benefit.

Hall 6 has inculcated a lot of values in me and I have learnt a lot of different cultures by various student-initiated activities as well as learning series. It was all indeed a fruitful experience where I was learning and having fun simultaneously. I am proud to be a part of the Hall 6 family!

DANG Swati Satishkumar
